Sunday, July 31, 2016

Overseas readers evaluated the images Altai Man’ula exhibited in a global web-network – Turkey Tourism News

Notifications about new observations cat Pallas aroused great interest among European readers, and expressive photos will not leave indifferent.

These shots were taken with camera traps in the second expedition «in the footsteps of the snow leopard,” which under the control of the senior scientific employee of the Altai Biosphere reserve Sergei Spitsyna from Novosibirsk volunteers participated, Yekaterinburg and Tomsk. In this edition we have affected the conservation of this unique Red Book species. I am here paused to say “Hello!” And “So far!»

Jocelyne, FRANCE:. «wonderful pictures Manul his round pupils, in the wild … Bravo …” “Bravo! Thank you to those who guard the treasure of the region “, – writes admiring nick

Pallas cat. (Aka – Pallas’ cat ) is brought in the Red Book

Tips. gray thick wool Pallas’ cat are white, why it might seem at first glance that the cat lightly snowing. Weight Pallas’ cat – about 5 kilograms. It helps him to hunt productive day and at dusk. He knows so well masked that even in the uniform open steppe, in the grass as tall as only 8-10 centimeters, it is very difficult to consider

Photos Man'ula from Altai Reserve touched  by Europeans


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