Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Scientists: The first body in the world lived in volcanic geysers – Rosbalt.RU

 Celled organism Luca was the first living organism, which then evolved bacteria, fungi, and animals, including – people. Luca lived in volcanic lakes and geysers around 3.8 billion years ago.

 This was reported by scientists from the Institute of Molecular Evolution named Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany.

 To livelihoods pervoorganizm used carbon dioxide, hydrogen and nitrogen, without the need for oxygen. All chemical reactions Luca carried out without the help of sunlight. However, he could use materials such as iron, sulfur, selenium and nickel.

 Earlier, American geologist from Western Washington University in Bellingham Michael Medler said that mankind owes its existence to the volcano. Because of their warmth ancestors of modern man learned to eat boiled and fried foods, as well as be heated in the cold season.

 To such conclusion came scientist, analyzing the place of primitive people living in the Eastern and Southern Africa. Most of them lived in the vicinity of volcanoes and rift faults. Interestingly, before Michael had to spend four nights in the snow in the crater of the volcano, where he was preparing food and warm heat of vaporization.


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