Saturday, July 30, 2016

Russian developers have created on the hard disk 50MB and weighing in at 25 kilograms – TVNZ

Internet users ridiculed the new domestic development -. External drive GNI-M2.05 50 megabytes and cost 3.7 million rubles

The gadget developed in the Russian company NIIFI and BT. According to the manufacturer, this external hard drive is used as an external memory device computing system. The information in it is transmitted through the interface « Man -2», which was created in accordance with GOST 1987. Incidentally, the device weighs 25 kilograms.

Users have noted that, in these quotations the drive can only be purchased in the mortgage and praised the progress of import programs in the IT-sphere.

users have noted that under such pricing drive can only be purchased in the mortgage and praised the progress of import programs in the iT-sphere.

As explained by one of the developers, NIIFI employee and BT Vladimir Andreev , in fact, their hard drive – a special-purpose vehicles for military use:

– This is the development of the year 2000, it is used in a special set of management systems. Then it was necessary to make an external non-volatile data storage exclusively on domestic components for military acceptance. Solid-state memory modules in the Russian if not released, for generation of computing and this drive was created. The prime objective for this type of product, at least for the kind of forces for which it was created – is to use only domestic element base



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