Saturday, June 27, 2015

British OneWeb microsatellites will be launched from the Baikonur East – Express-News

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27.06 | 20:27

Today it was announced that a new cosmodrome “East” will produce launches rockets from the satellites of the British company OneWeb. This was made possible by the signing of a contract for the commercial launches of Russian rockets from the satellites of the British global communications OneWeb.

Contract was preceded by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Space Agency, “ARIANESPACE”, Federal State Unitary Enterprise “TsENKI”, Federal State Unitary Enterprise ” NPO. Lavochkin “, OAO” RCC “Progress” and JSC “Glavkosmos” held at the Aviation and Space Show at Le Bourget.

Getting expected to launch by the end of 2017. In total, the withdrawal of foreign spacecraft designed for 3 years.

The representative of the Russian Federal Space Agency confirmed the signing of the contract between the Federal Space Agency, Arianspace and OnWeb. According to this contract, the Russian “Soyuz” will deliver to orbit foreign satellites. It was clarification that in the future for these launches will also be involved cosmodrome “East” in the Amur region. The exact date and the number of starts is not reported, but according to the publication “RG”, at least 15 of 21raket carrier satellites OneWeb will be withdrawn from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

If the project is successfully implemented, it can at least five additional launches of carrier rockets “Soyuz” after 2020.

According to the head of Roskosmos Igor Komarov, “This contract is the largest history of providing launch services. ” These contracts are a good incentive for the commissioning of the cosmodrome “East».

The academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. Tsiolkovsky Alexander Zheleznyakov sees this as a definite benefit for the Russian Space Agency, as in this case, the release of rockets “Soyuz-2″ will be put on stream.


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