According to the press service of the Moscow planetarium, two planets – hot Venus and the distant gas giant Jupiter – will be clearly visible without a telescope in the western part of the night sky. From June 30 to July 2, the two celestial bodies close together so closely that they would like a double star.
According to scientists, the planet will be clearly visible to the naked eye in the case of clear weather even in the daytime. The fact that Venus is often seen in the daytime, as is the third brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. In conjunction with Jupiter, Venus will be seen better than usual in the afternoon on June 30 .
“At first glance, does not look very special event: visually it seems that all celestial bodies are close. But in business space distance between the two planets is about 600 million kilometers! The next time such an event will take place in August next year “, – the press service of the Moscow planetarium.
Recall 27 June to 2 July Muscovites have the opportunity to observe other interesting astronomical event – a vast meteor shower. June Bootids meteor shower was most intense on June 27 but still bright enough. In addition, in late summer in the metropolitan area you can see the main meteor shower of the year – the Perseids of August. The intensity of the meteor shower reaches 200 meteors per hour.
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