In runet appeared service, allowing a few seconds to impose on the photo tricolor color filter, said “Russian news service” Head of marketing agency Richat Shigapov. It was an idea he had previously picked up Oleg Chulakova with coloring avatars in social networks Facebook and provides this service for free to all comers. Resource operates at
The initiative of Russian Internet users has become a response to those who on the eve of their avatars Facebook painted in the colors of the LGBT rainbow. This was done in connection with the adoption of the US Supreme Court’s verdict, which guarantees the right to enter into same-sex marriage across the country. His pictures painted in rainbow colors, and the creator of the network Mark Zuckerberg.
June 26 High US court ruled that the right to same-sex marriage is not contrary to the Constitution, and thus allow them to record in any state. The term of the entry into force of the solutions is not specified. Earlier gay unions were legalized only in 37 out of 50 US states.
A member of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children Elena Afanasyeva said RSN that Russian gay marriage can be legalized no sooner than 25-30 years.
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