Saturday, June 20, 2015

With satellite you can order photos – INNOV.RU – Nizhny Novgorod business ON-LINE

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20.06.15 8:21 | Text: Olena Tkachenko | Photo: INNOV. RU 9305

In Russia, will be organized by the Global Centre for Space shooting.

from the satellite can be ordered photo

Recently it became known, that Roskosmos is planning to establish a single point of service delivery to remote sensing of the Earth. In other words, the agency will manage all Russian spacecraft that spend shooting of Earth surface.

It is noted that the new structure will be formed on the basis of the Scientific Center for Earth Operative Monitoring. According to the plans of the Federal Space Program of development of Russian cosmonautics in the period 2016-2025 will significantly expand the fleet of domestic satellites remote sensing placed in orbit. Creating such a structure makes it possible to be competitive in the lucrative market of remote sensing. To do this, the number of satellites will increase up to 2 dozen.

According to analysts, who considered the matter, the center of remote sensing should take a leading position in the global market for aerial photography. At the same time, experts note that today the user can apply to the NTs OMZ and order pictures from space, however, is the only machine that carries out the orders of private clients, Resurs-DK1, is an old companion, and the pictures are of poor quality.

What about how much will it cost the service, such information is not yet, but analysts say that prices are quite high.

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