Saturday, June 20, 2015

Quit Smoking only 118 years – RTR Moldova

The oldest person in the world has died at the age of 116 years. Now the oldest inhabitant of the planet less than a year. Department of Science “Gazety.Ru” figured out the secret of longevity, why they smoke is not harmful and around whether the genes are to blame.

Long live not forbid

This week at the age of 116 years in Michigan died Dzheralin Talley, the oldest inhabitant of the Earth. In 2013, asked by reporters what it is to be the oldest person, she pointed a finger at the sky, said: “Do not ask me. Ask him. All in the hands of the Almighty ».

After the death of “our colleagues” rating centenarians, whose age has been documented (this rating is GRC – Gerontology Research Group, Gerontology Research Center ) topped the 115-year-old Brooklyn resident Suzanne Jones. When asked how it feels in the new status, she laughed and said she did not believe in it. Ms. Jones takes daily vitamins and medicines from the pressure to be suffering from glaucoma, but in general, differ enviable, although age-appropriate health. Ration newfound leader centenarians can hardly be considered exemplary. Thus, Jones eats for breakfast every day 4 strips of bacon and eggs. In addition to the culinary habits it has retained a love of elegant underwear. “Once she went to do an electrocardiogram, doctors and nurses were shocked to see her lacy underwear. After recovering, of course, we noticed that wearing pretty things never too late “- shared 75-year-old niece, Suzanne Jones. Dolgozhitelnitsa goes to bed at 7 pm, sleeps 10 hours and then most of the day dozing in the living room.

The oldest person ever considered living Jeanne Calment from France . She died in 1997, lived 122 years and 164 days. The French have a hypothesis regarding the longevity compatriot. Kalman eats 900 g (2 pounds) of chocolate per week, up to 100 years old to ride a bike and rub into the skin of the olive oil.

She was a lover of cheap red wine, quit smoking just 118 years, never seriously I do not follow health and was famous for witty jokes. “I have no wrinkles … except the one on which I sit»,

– declared Kalman already at an advanced age. After celebrating the ninetieth, she made a deal with his lawyer, he paid her 2.5 thousand francs (about $ 400) every month, and after her death received a house in the property. But the old lady was in no hurry to die, and in the end it had to a lawyer: in 32 years, paying a tenacious old woman 180 thousand. Dollars, which is 2 times higher than the market value of the house, he died prematurely. Shrugging, Jeanne Calment remarked: “Sometimes people make bad bargain».

According to scientists, the secret of longevity Frenchwoman in her equanimity.

« I think that she was biologically immune to stress, “- said Jean-Marie Robine, a gerontologist and author of Jeanne Calment.

In the ranking of living centenarians present woman of Russian origin, born in Kishinev, now a US citizen Golda Khatskelevna Gurfinkel now – Goldie Steinberg. She is now 114 years old and it took a new ranking of fifth place.

As for Russia, in the autumn of 2012 in Dagestan Magomed died Labazanov, which according to him would have turned 123 years old. But, unfortunately, the documents confirming the date of birth Labazanov, no.

Hungry life and death of a well-fed

Alcohol, smoking, fat and sweet hardly tally with the philistine notions of healthy eating and lifestyle. As a minimum, they come into conflict with the beliefs of most people, and cast doubt on what is good and what is bad. Jeanne Calment drank, smoked, and still did not go to the doctors, having stepped over a hundred. Suzanne Jones still loves thick and greasy breakfasts. Dzheralin Talley prayed to God, and bowling.

Demographic aging population and increased life expectancy has led to rapid growth of gerontological research.

Scientists are looking for genes of longevity products, prolonging the life of substances that slow down aging and other elixirs of youth.

However, significant differences in diet and lifestyle between centenarians and mortals still have not found. Among those one hundred and those nedotyanul there like walk in a bar, and attending church.

Finding the gene of young scientists deciphered the genome of 110 people over 17 years. Contrary to expectations, the specific gene responsible for the longevity, they found, instead, on the contrary, some have found mutations that lead to cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Opening in the current study were the following: genes that conventional people “included” in the 70-80 years of age (at the very unlucky even earlier), and led to the development of age-related diseases, in the case of long-lived somehow “silent».

Scientists have suggested that it is the passivity of certain genes slows aging. And this property may be inherited. Therefore, longevity alone is difficult to meet. Longevity – family feature.

According to gerontologists, those whom nature has deprived biological means to a long life, can extend their own existence. To do this, an extensive team of researchers from Harvard, the University of Illinois, Columbia University, and other leading US institutions proposed to start in order to change the general scientific and fight the enemy not diseases, but aging as such – it is “Times” earlier told.

The best way to delay aging, unfortunately for many, was a low-calorie diet, which was confirmed in experiments on mice.

Restricting calorie diet helped about 50% to extend the life of mice. After the death and the autopsy, it was found that the rodents were on the diet significantly fewer problems with cardiovascular system and internal organs. With a man takes the same story as with the mouse: changes in metabolism and work cells can rejuvenate the body. It is unclear just one thing: who wants to live from hand to mouth and even 2 times longer.


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