According to the survey, 25% of Russians see the World Wide Web more disadvantages than advantages . Internet, according to them, can harm health and the psyche of people, particularly young users. At the same time one in ten (10%) believes that the Internet does not have any significant impact on our lives.
However, most people generally believe the World Wide Web more useful than harmful invention. So, 60% of emerging Internet, a positive assessment of its impact on people , noting its properties such as the large amount of information and networking opportunities. This position often hold Moscow and St. Petersburg (84%) of 18-24-year-olds (66%), financially secure (69%).
The most popular social networks among Russians were “VKontakte” “Classmates” and “My World.” In the first two turned out to be registered 55% and 54% respectively. Facebook account is at 16%. Photo in Instagram browsing and spread of 8%, and the messages on Twitter written and read 7%. Only 15% of respondents, coming to the Internet, do not visit sites of social networks.
“VKontakte” is the most visited mobile application – it goes every fifth owner of the phone (18%) . The site “Odnoklassniki” with these devices are browsing 6% of respondents, and other social networks – even 6%. “Search Engines” are 17%. Every tenth deals for Viber (10%) or WhatsApp (9%). An e-mail to recover 5%. 3% use Instagram and Skype. Others go on gaming portals (3%), viewing the weather forecast (2%).
opinion polls were conducted on 21 and 22 March and 6 and 7 June. Each was attended by 1,600 residents of 130 settlements in 46 regions of Russia. At the same time, experts say VTsIOM, the statistical error does not exceed 3,5%.
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