Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Russians believe the Internet harmful – Dni.Ru

All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) conducted a survey on how Russians assess the impact of the World Wide Web in people’s lives, which social networks are most popular, and which use the Internet on smartphones. Every fourth Russian Internet users see some disadvantages of the Global Network.
Photos: GLOBAL LOOK press

According to the survey, 25% of Russians see the World Wide Web more disadvantages than advantages . Internet, according to them, can harm health and the psyche of people, particularly young users. At the same time one in ten (10%) believes that the Internet does not have any significant impact on our lives.

However, most people generally believe the World Wide Web more useful than harmful invention. So, 60% of emerging Internet, a positive assessment of its impact on people , noting its properties such as the large amount of information and networking opportunities. This position often hold Moscow and St. Petersburg (84%) of 18-24-year-olds (66%), financially secure (69%).

The most popular social networks among Russians were “VKontakte” “Classmates” and “My World.” In the first two turned out to be registered 55% and 54% respectively. Facebook account is at 16%. Photo in Instagram browsing and spread of 8%, and the messages on Twitter written and read 7%. Only 15% of respondents, coming to the Internet, do not visit sites of social networks.

“VKontakte” is the most visited mobile application – it goes every fifth owner of the phone (18%) . The site “Odnoklassniki” with these devices are browsing 6% of respondents, and other social networks – even 6%. “Search Engines” are 17%. Every tenth deals for Viber (10%) or WhatsApp (9%). An e-mail to recover 5%. 3% use Instagram and Skype. Others go on gaming portals (3%), viewing the weather forecast (2%).

opinion polls were conducted on 21 and 22 March and 6 and 7 June. Each was attended by 1,600 residents of 130 settlements in 46 regions of Russia. At the same time, experts say VTsIOM, the statistical error does not exceed 3,5%.

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