Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Road noise leads to an early death – proved by scientists – South – a new public newspaper

Scientists in Britain, after studies found that people living in areas where strong noise on the roads are more susceptible to disease. Particularly affected are children and the elderly – the noise of passing cars affects their health.

At the beginning of the XX century, the famous microbiologist, who won the Nobel Prize for his discoveries in the treatment of tuberculosis, warned future generations of upcoming problems. “The time will come when people will struggle with the noise, both from a defunct cholera or plague,” – said Robert Koch, and he was right.

Modern scientists are sounding the alarm, because studies have shown that people who live with ” noise outside the window “more susceptible to strokes and die earlier.

The study involved 8.6 million. People who lived in London from 2003 to 2010. It was found that the death rate among people who live with the noise level 60dB and more often die by 4%, than those who live with the noise at 55dB or less.

In all cases, the cause of death was heart failure, or problems with blood circulation.


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