The American NASA released photos looming giant asteroid to Earth. The images were obtained in the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, said the agency.
In the photographs, scientists have noticed that in the center of a cosmic body are dark spots . Experts believe that this could crater, resulting in a collision with another object.
Sam asteroid reaches a diameter of 600 meters, and makes a complete revolution around its axis in five hours. His movement speed was 35 kilometers per second. Scientists expect that the celestial body about 20 hours (Moscow time) will be at a distance of 486,000 kilometers. Thus, some of the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to even see it – it will be enough to see with binoculars.
It was reported earlier that the so-called “asteroid Hallowe’en” can crash into the moon. In this case, the natural satellite of our planet will cease to exist, and its fragments sprinkling the earth.
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