Astrophysics Harvard-Smithsonian Center for US-based observations of the behavior of the “Death Star” to draw conclusions about the future of the Earth. On the basis of the information scientists have calculated that the 5-7 billion years the sun will become a white dwarf, an object such as WD 1145 + 017 , which is called the “Death Star” and will destroy our planet.
The white dwarf WD 1145 + 017 was discovered by a group of American astrophysicists last week. WD 1145 + 017 is located at a distance of 570 light years from Earth in the constellation Virgo. Because of space telescope Kepler scientist for the first time in history was able to see how the celestial body has absorbed a planet with dimensions approximately equal Ceres and chemical composition, similar in composition to Earth.
This process scientists describe in article in Nature. When a star like our sun, exhausted nuclear power, it has become the size of a red giant and then beginning to deflate to fit the dense core of the Earth with the preservation of its original weight . This has led to the destabilization of the orbits of the planets that are close to her. After this celestial body became known as a white dwarf, sucking in the literal sense of the word, of its neighbors.
Astrophysics suggested that Earth expects the same fate . The sun will swallow the planet, becoming like “Death Star” or a white dwarf in about 5.7 billion years. According to scientists, this process is inevitable. Our planet will be extremely red-hot, that will make life impossible for her.
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