Saturday, October 24, 2015

“Death Star” has prompted scientists to the destruction of the Earth – Russian newspaper

astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for watching absorption white dwarf planets from the system through the data have suggested the disappearance of the Earth, said the publication Sci-News.

development of the theme

The so-called” death star “- Object WD 1145 + 017, we recall, is located in the constellation Virgo at a distance of about 570 light years from our planet. Scientists have discovered a celestial body with a telescope, “Kepler”, noting its periodic eclipse another object, shape and dimensions of which are constantly changing.

According to the analysis of the spectrum for Astrophysics have found that they are studying the star recently destroyed the planet with the size of approximately equal size Ceres and chemical composition, similar in composition to Earth.

– the first time we have seen, like a miniature planet destroyed by intense gravity from the star, which scatters the resulting substance of the surface, – said one participant observation astrophysicist Andrew Vanderburgh.

A similar fate awaits and the world. According to scientists, the Sun will swallow our planet in 5-7 billion years. It clarifies the RIA Novosti, the researchers admit the probability that the absorption does not happen, however, live on a hot Earth will not be possible.

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