Thursday, October 22, 2015

The sun goes out in November – BBC

News of the day: The sun will dim

One of the main news on Thursday was the message in the following style «NASA: November 15, two weeks Earth was plunged into darkness.” In Russia about it wrote more than 50 media outlets, including TV channel REN-TV, and such well-known newspaper, as “MK».

The essence of the news was that, allegedly, US experts warn the world public that at three o’clock in the morning November 15, 2015 The sun can fade.

This incident with reference to an American tabloid – although provided links open even tabloid in classic sense of the word, as the British The Sun, a makeshift site with half-naked girls – explained this mechanism as “parallelism” of Venus and Jupiter.

As a result of this “overlapping” of the planet will be separated by only one degree. End of explanation of the science department “Gazety.Ru” decided to bring the whole: “According to astronomers, the planet Venus will move along the south-west of the planet Jupiter, and will” shine “10 times brighter than their” colleagues “of the phenomenon. Radiance emanating from the planet Venus, Jupiter’s heat the gases and provoke a reaction. It is because it will have a huge mass of hydrogen. On our luminary from an overabundance of the last case of a super-explosion, and the temperature of the sun immediately “jump” azhno to 9000 degrees C. In order to overcome the consequences megavzryva, our star will strengthen and compensate for its own emissivity. And rising temperatures will cause our sun “long face” to bluish shades. This will continue as much – two weeks ».

Why Sun does not turn blue

While the science department” Gazety.Ru “pondering whether to do to respond to such messages in the publication He entered a press release from the Moscow Planetarium. It correctly explained that the message referring to NASA that the sun will go out in November for two weeks, no more than the newspaper “duck” and provides a comment Astrophysics, a member of the Moscow Planetarium Alexander Perhnyaka.

« Firstly, at NASA any official statements on the subject there. The Russian-language source also describes the above scenario is unlikely, but, referring to the American astronomers, with a mastery of science fiction writers tells the story of a series of astronomical phenomena that “turn off” the sun in the sky of the Earth. Among these reasons: Venus, which suddenly begins to shine more, will heat the Jovian gases will trigger on the last response on the allocation of huge masses of hydrogen, which will megavzryvu the sun. Let me explain – Jupiter and Venus are at a great distance from each other.

Moreover, Venus shines by reflected light, not by itself. It is a planet and not a star. Megavzryv the Sun is only possible if the mass of light will increase by a third.

The source claims that the Earth was plunged into darkness due to the fact that the sun as a result of the explosion turns blue. Now the temperature on the surface of the Sun – about 6,000 degrees Kelvin. According to the spectral classification, it is a yellow star. When the temperature on the surface of the light up to 10 000 K – The sun will be a white star. It is only by increasing the heating surface up to 60 000 K, it will be blue, ie, such is its true and apparent color. This, in turn, said that the “blue” Sun, on the contrary, will goryachée, which means brighter, but not the “dark».

At the same time Alexander Perhnyak also noted that any disaster which hypothetically may occur on Venus on a scale that its consequences will affect the distant Jupiter will be so detrimental to the nearby Venus Earth that the inhabitants of our planet will no longer have to worry about anything.

«You the serious newspaper »

Terzi doubts about whether to write a note or not, science editor of” Gazety.Ru “seek the advice of one of the best popularizers of science, member of the commission of Sciences to combat pseudoscience Vladimir Mutes to reply to the question: “Should the media pay attention to such silly news and expose them, or sense in it, and write about it, albeit in a negative way – it’s like to distribute these same stupid news?”

The answer was the following:

«Hour ago, the news sent me lady friend with a question: “You journalists have already got about that?” I replied that even journalists are smarter than you.

Do not tell me that I wrong! You have the same serious newspaper. In no event it is impossible to comment on the nonsense!

It is better to do an independent review “A gift to fans of astronomy” – describe the beautiful conjunction of Venus with Jupiter, remarking that lucky because only earthlings (Mars connection is not It will be seen), and advise wake up early in the morning and look at this rare beauty. You can recall the star of Bethlehem, which is also some blamed on such a connection.

But it does not comment on tabloid! »

Gift amateur astronomers: October 26

Not completing appeal Vladimir Surdina not comment on the tabloid science department encourages readers to really wake up early in the morning of 26 October, and look at the connection Venus with Jupiter. On this day, as seen from Earth, Venus reaches its maximum apparent distance from the Sun (46.5 degrees), which will provide excellent conditions for observing it: it will shine brightly in the sky dark enough.

Venus can be seen in the morning in the eastern part of the sky for nearly four hours – this is the best conditions for its observation in 2015.

In this case, the phase of Venus (because this inner planet, from Earth visible only illuminated part of her disc, and usually, it’s the sickle) will reach nearly 0.5 (full phase – 1). And without much trouble – especially with binoculars – Venus will be to try to see with the naked eye during the day.

In the morning, October 26 observers will be able to see a really beautiful sight, because the “company” Venus will make just two of the planet: in one degree will be from Venus, Jupiter, and in a couple of degrees of them – Mars. Under the scheme prepared by the Moscow planetarium, you can see how it will look this phenomenon.


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