Thursday, October 29, 2015

Media: Russian scientists have identified a gene cold-blooded killer – to Pravda.Ru


Photo: REX

It was previously thought that the vast majority of murders committed with advanced due in childhood under the influence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) aggressive impulsivity. According to foreign scientists who suffer from this syndrome children and keep it as adults, and their mothers are prone to premature aging. But the results of the Novosibirsk State University study found that for the ability to commit crimes

meets a slightly different mechanism, associated with the genetic characteristics of man. The research group of Peter Menshanova published the findings in the International Journal of Forensic Journal of Criminal Justice.Okazalos that criminals do not necessarily suffer from hyperactivity or grew up in dysfunctional families.

In the frames of work were studied the genotypes of 161 criminal serving time in prison for violent crimes is not in a position to affect and coolly. The results showed that these criminals is well-developed “cold” planned aggression, the presence of which is closely related to the individual less active forms of dopamine receptor D4. For the formation of the receptor is responsible specific gene encoding a protein of 387 amino acid residues. D4 gene variations associated with different phenotypes and behavioral disorders such as schizophrenia, disorders of the autonomic nervous system and the search for innovation.

In addition, one of the effects of this gene is the ability to think outside the box. In this context, the murder is also a non-standard and disapproved by society action, scientists say.

At the same time, predicted by genotype, that a particular person committed the murder is impossible, as the only thing that can be reliably set – the tendency of an individual to non-standard decisions, but not the way it implements it in life.

As previously reported to Pravda.Ru, scientists from Glasgow University conducted a study to identify potential maniacs and make their collective portrait.

Read the latest news Pravda.Ru today.


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