Monday, April 25, 2016

Siberian cave synthesize antibiotics – REGNUM

Irkutsk, April 25, 2016, 09:18 – REGNUM The Russian scientists from the Institute of Biology, Irkutsk state University found in caves more than a hundred previously unknown to science compounds able to fight bacteria that are resistant to currently existing drugs, according to PLoS One.

This is the Big Oreshnaya cave located 130 km from Krasnoyarsk. There is naturally formed whitish cheesy plaque containing a group of bacteria that synthesize antibiotics.

It is reported that of the 120 detected in its structure compounds 100 are previously unknown to science. The five caves that make up the underground complex, the scientists collected a unique collection of strains. In particular detected compounds that inhibit pathogens yeast and E. coli, resistance to commonly used antibiotics.

However, the researchers argue that early to talk about the production of medicines based on open their cave bacteria. Necessary research their discovery can take at least 10 years.

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