Photo: REUTERS / Thomas White
In one of the next updates messenger Pavel Durov Telegram will the biggest redesign of the product – the division of posts in the four tabs. This “News” told several sources familiar with preparing update
Now Telegram exists in the standard messenger form. All feedback output in one main screen – Chats. Moreover, these conversations are varied: personal communication (between two people), group messages (multichaty) posts by bots and from the channel (as one person or by groups) . >
according to the interlocutor of “News” in the upcoming update messages are grouped by type: Chats (one-on-one with users), Groups (multichaty) Channels (Channels) and bots (bots). In the top panel of the messenger will be put tabs to switch between them. Each will be able to notification settings. For example, you can leave a notification on personal messages.
The source explained such changes are necessary to simplify user interaction with different types of conversations. Firstly, now users do not have the opportunity to share the message. For example, multichaty mixed with posts from the channel. This causes inconvenience to users. Second, It is impossible to disable alerts, for example, from all bots or all channels. Most users will connect a significant number of bots and subscribe to multiple channels sometimes just out of curiosity. But disable notifications from each individual – it is difficult, uncomfortable or lazy. The ability to disable notifications directly from an entire tab is to simplify user interaction with the messenger, said the source of “Izvestia».
Deputy Director of the National center of Information Technologies and founder UsabilityLab Dmitry Satin believes this innovation messenger correct and logical step. In his opinion, now Alerts distracting users
-. With the addition of bots, and channels to personal and group messages mixed communication problem with content consumption, – says Satine. – So just need to give the option to turn off notifications, but that they are still coming. For example, if a person wants something to read, as the newspaper – it includes the notification of channel
When exactly. will be updated, it is still unknown. According to a source of “Izvestia”, it is going to happen “in the near future.” While some of the major improvements was the introduction of messenger bots in June 2015, the channel in September 2015 and the most bot-platform in April this year.
founder messenger Actor Stepan Korshakov sure that the separation of posts on the group will be implemented is to disable alerts. Korshakov believes that the next step is to group messages by type of “work”, “personal”, “entertainment».
– WhatsApp does not include in his boots, not because he could not, but because of the notification: Now edinichka top of the application means that one of your relatives or friends you wrote something, – says Korshakov. – As soon as the Telegram were bots, and channels such edinichka ceased to mean anything. Then, sure, you can not just turn off all bots or all channels, but also, for example, at work, leaving only the notification of the workers chat, messages, channels, home -. On personal business, etc.
The owner Telegram Pavel Durov declined to comment.
In February , Pavel Durov wrote that Telegram reached the level of 100 million active users per month, and every day the number of outgoing messages – about 15 billion Telegram is available on all platforms for smartphones and tablets, as well as a web-version
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