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14:18 15.07.2016
(updated: 14:38 15.07.2016 )
3675 13 0
MOSCOW, July 15 – RIA Novosti on July 15, 2016 begins the nighttime visibility of the International space station (ISS) on the territory of our country, according to Roskosmos
“From 15 until 22 July of the ISS can be seen with the naked eye after midnight in the form of a bright fast moving stars. There are a few simple tips for those who want to see the flight of the ISS. in this you can help the specific applications on smartphones. During the passage you just need to look at the sky toward the western horizon. like Station on bright fast moving and flicker-free star of white color, which is as it moves and sunset in the shadow of the Earth can be replaced on a reddish-orange. Incidentally, it was at this time the astronauts on board will see the sunset “- said in this connection, Alexander Perhnyak, astrophysicist, an employee of the Moscow Planetarium.
“Space house” is always moving from west to east, and makes one turn and a half hours. Visible Earth with the ISS becomes the coincidence of several factors – the station is illuminated by the Sun, and at a certain segment of the trajectory reflects sunlight as well as the moon. In some regions of Russia from 15 to 22 July will be watching the station after midnight, closer to the middle of the night.
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