Saturday, July 16, 2016

NASA intends to send an exploratory mission to Mars in 2020 – RIA Novosti

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MOSCOW, July 16 – RIA Novosti NASA intends to send an exploratory mission to Mars in 2020, said in a statement on the site office

..” after much consideration and after as were passed major milestones for the development, NASA is ready to start creating the design and construction of the next Mars rover, whose launch is scheduled for the summer of 2020, and the arrival at the Red planet in the February 2021 “, – said in a statement.

This rover will investigate the individual parts of the world where the ancient conditions could be favorable for microbial life. The purpose of it is sent to Mars is to find evidence of life on the fourth distance from the sun of the planet

“This mission marks an important step in the NASA journey to Mars -. To establish whether there was life ever on this planet, as well as to move forward for sending humans to the Red planet “, – said the assistant head of the Directorate of NASA science missions Joffrey Yoder (Geoffrey Yoder)

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