Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Scientists: committed a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer – a cure will soon be ready – RosRegistr

British doctors reported two new drugs for cancer, that while the application reduce the size of tumors in 60% of patients. And we are talking about melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. Does this mean that doctors have learned, combining drugs to achieve maximum results?

After years of careful research, scientists have finally discovered a substance that helps fight cancer cells. It turns out that it is enough in the right amounts to mix a few existing drugs.

At the Chicago conference of oncologists first results of clinical trials of new drugs have attracted attention. As far as prolonging the life of cancer patients, new drugs, scientists still do not know.

 The leading” Fifth Floor “Michael Smotryaev talking with the medical director of the International Center for virotherapy Riga Kaspars Losansom and employee research center Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia Igor Astsaturovym.
«Kaspars, your center has been about the same issues, the direction of research is similar to what the British are doing what they have shown at a conference in Chicago. This is now the most progressive way to fight cancer compared with chemotherapy? “- Asked Michael Smotryaev.

« In this direction, the whole world is now working. The success of the fight against melanoma is not as good as with other cancers. The whole world is looking for new tools to fight cancer. We are working with Virotherapy, ie cancer therapy, and the other group in the world are working on this problem. We have the world’s first virus that fights cancer. ” – Kaspars Losans informed.

«colleagues presented a slightly different approach. There starts the immune response of the patient. In our case, our first Regvir drug kills cancer cells, ie, has onkolicheskimi properties, the properties of cancer cell to destroy itself. And already then it launches an immune response, that is, it allows the patient’s immune system to recognize cancer cells in tele.To what is happening now, largely changing the way we approach the treatment of previously incurable and difficult to treat human cancers. ” – Reported by Kaspars Losans.

Also, recently reported that the herpes virus is able to beat cancer.

Tags: medicine tabletki.rak


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