Monday, August 31, 2015

In Scotland, we developed the ice cream of the future, which does not melt – FTimes


All lovers of sentimental know what fun it is to eat cold ice cream in hot weather, but nobody does not like when the ice begins to melt quickly and spread on the hands, creating a nuisance, especially often seen in children. And then begins the process of rapid absorption, in order to stop this process, but all efforts are often unsuccessful.

Researchers from Scotland have found a special ingredient that helps to slow down the melting process of the delicious treats in the hot season. Scientists have found that a protein BsIA, which is in certain foods will help to develop a product with a little protein and fat.

In ice cream the protein helps slow the formation of ice crystals, and make it more uniform and soft.

But, unfortunately this ice cream in the world will not earlier than three years. The head of the project said that encouraged by the potential of the ingredient that will improve ice cream for both producers and consumers.

technology that turns this protein is pretty simple, it is obtained from bacteria that are friendly to the human body. The protein attaches itself to fat droplets and air bubbles, which are available in ice cream, thereby enhancing the stability of the mixture.


In Tomsk opened a center for the study of Siberia – REGNUM


Tomsk, August 31, 2015, 19:05 – REGNUM In the Tomsk State University opened a center “Science in Siberia to Siberia” or Transsiberian Scientific Way (TSSW). Its main task – to activate the research, education, education in the study of Siberia, said IA REGNUM in the management of information policy of the university.

It noted that the university has accumulated a huge unique material on Siberia – the results of years of research and observations, meetings of plants, minerals, archaeological and paleontological findings, dictionaries of local dialects and dialects. This is a great heritage entitles Tomsk State University is considered the oldest site study of Siberia, confident in the TSU.

«On the international council, which was held at the University in April this year, was a discussion of how can and should represent themselves TSU international scientific and educational space, to recognize him – he says Secretary TSU Ludmila Borilo . – And all the experts agreed on one thing – we have to position ourselves through Siberia, across our region. Siberia in the world know, know it unique and special role in the formation of the Earth’s climate, and we have to present to the world our achievements in her studies ».

According to the organizers, the center, on the one hand, should be a unified information resource – battery and a source of information about Siberia in different areas of science, on the other hand – a platform for communication of teachers, scholars, museum professionals, administrators and entrepreneurs for joint research scientists.

At the moment, we identified seven areas Work center: earth science and ecology; history, archeology and ethnography; the economy; the human sciences and health; language and culture; Materials and Technology; urban studies, media and design. For each of them, a working group, led by scientists of the University. The governing body is the Council, chaired by the Rector of Tbilisi State University professor Edward Galazhinsky. It includes the leading Russian and foreign scientists, including three Nobel laureates, representatives of the regional administration, the deputies.

A large focus of the work of the center will be on support for research of historians, linguists, archaeologists, economists and other scientists of importance for the Siberian region.

«I want to say that we do not try to enter into competition with other research organizations involved in the study of Siberia – adds Lyudmila Borilo. – On the contrary, we want to involve them as partners. That is, not in opposition to, and through cooperation, new projects to strengthen its position in the Siberian region ».

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What will be the new colliders – BBC

On what will be the new colliders, particles which they will study and what to do with it will be Russia, “” said an expert on accelerator technologies from CERN Ezio Todesco.

Collaboration Conference RDMS (Russia and Dubna Member States ), working on the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and is responsible for the construction of several important parts of the detector passes Every year. Conference 2015 in Varna was devoted to discussing the horizons of elementary particle physics, opening with the second starting operating the Large Hadron Collider. Physics and accelerator physicists discussed possible new physics model, traces of which scientists hope to see in the coming year, as well as options for long-term development of the LHC. In addition, the project of the future collider ring – hadron and lepton machines that can be built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in the 100-km tunnel in 2030-ies.

At the same time Russia has not yet been an associate member of CERN. According to the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov Russia , this will happen before the end of 2015.

– Ezio, tell us what plans the existing CERN Collider – LHC?

– Now we finally start to work on energy close to the project – 13 TeV (design – 14 TeV). In addition, after conducted in 2013-2015 to upgrade when we changed all the problematic connection between superconducting magnets (they caused an accident in 2008, who brought the car out for a year. – “Times”), we enter the planned luminosity – during 2012 we achieved only 75% of the planned luminosity.

This means that the number of collisions of protons, which we are looking for interesting our particles will be a third higher.

With these parameters, we will work until mid-2018, after which the LHC will stop at the eighteen-month upgrade, after which we plan to enter the final collision energy of 14 TeV and luminosity twice the project.

So we will work until the end of 2022, and then stop for 2.5 years to radically improve our car. This collider will be called HL-LHC – High Luminosity LHC, the collision energy will remain the same, and should increase the luminosity of 5-7 (possibly 10) times the nominal. What does it mean? So, we will be able for the year to collect the same amount of data that the current parameters we gather in five years, and have three times better resolution. This project is funded by CERN and is now in the final stages of planning and design, and we start production. This is the horizon that we see for the LHC.

– Do you think that will replace the LHC?

– Yes, of course! The main thing to say, our future plans will very much depend on what we find at the LHC. And fundamentally important answers we will probably get in the coming year – will we see a new physics that it will be for the particles. This will be an important period in terms of technology – we will see how strong we are, if we can achieve stable operation with the highest possible characteristics of such a huge and complex mechanism.

Despite these uncertainties, CERN has already started exploring the possible scenarios after the LHC project.

That is, the overall plan is as follows: now we have our device, we try to get him maximum performance in data collection. After 10 years, we partially rebuilt, the luminosity increases so that we can get 10 times more data. And after 20 years, we are building a new device.

 Location 100-kilometer circular collider with respect to the future of the 27-kilometer long Large Hadron Collider
Location 100-kilometer circular collider with respect to the future of the 27-kilometer long Large Hadron Collider


– What would it be for the accelerator?

– the whole being considered three options. First – Hadron Collider, where the protons collide, as in the LHC. Second – lepton collider, the LHC as a forerunner in its tunnel – LEP, collider of electrons and positrons. And the third possibility, but it is, in my opinion, less interesting – a clash of hadrons and leptons. We are now at the stage of brainstorming and not dismissing any of these possibilities. Which instrument would be in a new large tunnel – we are now speaking about the ring length of 100 km on the site CERN, – shows physics.

Today we can say that we are the most technologically ready for the construction of electron-positron collider. That is, there is no ready-made solutions, it is not a trivial task, but there is an understanding in a realistic time frame to develop the necessary technology.

For the LHC we will really push the technology forward in many aspects, it is a serious challenge. That is why we are now beginning to study for the development of technologies needed for the creation of such an instrument.

– What are the main challenges?

– Small paradox lies in the fact that the accelerator 99% consists of magnets which do not accelerate the particles, and only 1% – directly accelerating. Most magnets produce an electromagnetic field, the bending path of the particle so that it is held in a ring accelerator.

The relationship between energy and the radius of curvature is linear, so if you want to increase your energy, it is necessary to strengthen the magnetic field, or just do not get to keep the particles on this trajectory. It’s like if you turn off the road: Do not go too fast, otherwise you will crash with the road. That is, with an increase in energy needed simultaneously to increase the magnetic field (which is why these devices are called synchrotrons).

Now the LHC we are working with the magnetic field of 8 Tesla – is several orders of magnitude greater than the Earth’s magnetic field . If we want to increase the energy of the collision, we must build a much larger or tunnel (then the radius of curvature becomes larger), or increase the magnetic field. Plans for the future ring Collider (program FCC – Future Circular Collider) – increase energy seven times, twice to ensure an increase in the magnetic field – from 8 to 16 Tesla and three and a half times increase the length of the tunnel – from 27 to 100 km.

16 Tesla – is the upper limit of the superconducting material, which we are studying – stannide triniobiya, Nb 3 Sn. This is one of the first people found superconductors (it opened in 1954), but its use is much more complicated and more expensive than niobium titanate NbTi, which is used by the LHC. Nb 3 Sn hitherto used in NMR, but not in accelerators. Magnets accelerator is much more complicated, and we have to develop these technologies.

– A few years ago, actively discussed the draft of the International Linear Collider. What’s his status right now?

– Yes, it’s true, a few years ago, the discussion around the project were more active – to place his claim and CERN, and Dubna, and a playground in Japan. But now, as a flagship project, the international community tends to a circular accelerator. Nevertheless, ILC – International Linear Collider – can still be built if it would be interested in Japan, as the host country, while other countries can contribute.

– When a decision is made about what will be the future collider?

– relatively soon, the scientific community can not simultaneously move all the directions, I think, by 2018 we will come to a consensus about what the next flagship project. It is understood that when the collider will be built, most of us already will retire, but this is a typical situation for particle physics – the planning horizon of 10-20 years. In the 1970s, people also talked about the accelerators that have built those who came in to replace them.


Media: In Russia opened a laboratory for cloning extinct animals – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, August 31 – RIA Novosti. In Yakutia has started the first Russian laboratory for the study of the DNA of extinct animals. In an interview with the magazine “Ogonyok” said the director of the Museum of mammoth Semyon Grigoriev.

So the artist imagined megafauna inhabiting the north of Eurasia and America about 20,000 years ago,

© Photo: Mauricio Anton

“A few days ago we opened a laboratory for the study of tissues of fossil animals. We will explore not only the cells of ancient animals of different preservation, but their DNA,” – said Grigoriev.

According to him, the main task of the lab will find living cells for future cloning. In the first place, said Grigoriev, the researchers plan to revive mammoths. To this end, their efforts combined North-Eastern Federal University, the South Korean Foundation for biotechnology research Sooam and the Beijing Institute of Genomics.

According to the experts, their main task now is not only to find a well-preserved animal cells, but also to unfreeze them so to maintain the structure.

According to the chief specialist of mammoth in Russia, director of the Zoological Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexei Tikhonov, sometimes in tissue samples can not find the individual entire cell nucleus, and sometimes even the outlines of the cells themselves, but when They thawed – everything disappears.

“It is now believed that the DNA extraction of fossil animals as the starting material is best suited wool, – says Alexey Tihonov.- But again, just extracted from the permafrost. It is necessary to have time do everything, until I began to crumble cuticular layer, as here on the hair begin the invasion of modern microorganisms “.

The return of mammoths, scientists believe, will divide human history into” before “and” after. ” A state capable of a similar breakthrough, will become the leader of a new direction. In Russia for such a breakthrough has all the chances, because it has a powerful resource that in such numbers anywhere in the world, this resource – the cold, the article says.


The creators of the Internet community MDK appear in court September 15 – Kommersant

In St. Petersburg Smolninskiy District Court summoned the creators of public MDK in the case of blocking of the page in the social network “VKontakte”, said “Russian news service” referring to the prosecutor’s office. The first meeting will take place on 15 September.

Earlier “Kommersant” reported that the St. Petersburg prosecutor’s office filed a lawsuit to close the well-known community “VKontakte» – MDK. The supervisory agency believes that the page group regularly placed materials that offend the feelings of believers, provoking ethnic hatred and harm the mental health of minors.

For more information about treatment, read the material “b” “The prosecutors went to the MDK».


Scientists have figured out how to slow down the melting of the ice cream – BBC Russian

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Scientists in Scotland have identified components of ice cream that slows down the process of melting in hot weather.

Protein BsIA found naturally in some foods.

Research teams at the universities of Edinburgh and Dundee also found that the use of this protein allows to develop products with less saturated fat and calories.

The frozen protein prevents the formation of hard ice crystals, making tactile sensations on the product will become softer and more uniform.

According to the scientists, the ice cream increased heat resistance can appear within three to five years.

“We are encouraged by the potential of this new ingredient to improve the ice cream for consumers and producers, “- said the head of the research project, Professor Kate McPhee from the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh.

The new technology is easy to get the protein from the human body-friendly bacteria. He clings to fat droplets and air bubbles and thereby enhances the stability of the mixture.


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Supermoon lit Earth – photos and video from all over the world – RSUTE

Today, citizens of Russia can watch the first of the three so-called “Supermoon” this year. Supermoon is an astronomical event that occurs when the full moon or new moon coincides with perigee – the moment of closest approach of the Moon and the Earth. At this point, with the Earth can be observed in larger size of the lunar disk than usual. The name was coined Supermoon astrologer Richard Nolle (Richard Nolle) over 30 years ago.

Because of this natural satellite of the Earth seems to be 14% larger and 30% brighter than ever. “Do not expect the moon in the sky will really huge size. The visible disk of the satellite of our planet visually increase, “- said an employee of the Moscow planetarium Jaroslav Turilov.

According to the calculations of astronomers, on average, the phenomenon can be observed on the Earth about once every 144 days. But not all the same Supermoon, for example, last year the drive was a great companion and pronounced. This year supelunie not so bright, but still beautiful.

To see a beautiful astronomical phenomena can, in particular, in Moscow. In the capital, is now partly sunny. The tears of clouds can be seen a huge bright disk of the moon. According to Roshydromet, places people in the region enjoy Supermoon may prevent Showers.

Residents of St. Petersburg see Supermoon it will be difficult because of the cloudy weather, said earlier “Russian news service” Planetarium lecturer of St. Petersburg Sergei Kolevatov.

Supermoon does not have much impact on the Earth, but is more powerful tides. Scientists refute each time the popular speculation that the bright moon a negative impact on people and nature, and offer a moment to admire the unusual.
Residents of regions that clouds and rain do not interfere with enjoying astronomical phenomenon, happy pictures of the moon and the super- spread pictures in social networks. Some prepared for the event in advance and took favorable for shooting locations, left the city.

The next time Supermoon can be observed on September 28 this year. It coincides with a full lunar eclipse.

Supermoon – is astronomical a phenomenon that occurs when the full moon or new moon coincides with perigee – the moment of closest approach of the Moon and the Earth. This is due to the elliptical orbit at which the moon orbits the planet. Because of this phenomenon can be seen from Earth, the larger the size of the lunar disk than usual. Full moon – is where the ecliptic longitude difference between the Sun and the Moon is 180 °. This means that plane drawn through the Sun, Earth and Moon, perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. If all three sites are on the same line, there is a lunar eclipse. Moon in the full moon looks the correct luminous disk.


Federal Space Agency will present the Government program of development of deep space – Kommersant

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that Roskosmos until the end of autumn the Government will present a program of development of deep space until 2030 and its financial justification. “Roscosmos must be commissioned by the Government in late autumn to make, to defend their plans, which involve money, big money, the president. It is not only the plans go somewhere: what to fly, you need a heavy-duty rocket, the lunar module, promising manned spacecraft. By the end of this year we are in the country define our space priorities until 2030, “- said Mr. Rogozin in an interview with TV channel” Russia 24 ».

He added that based on the These priorities will be defined with Russian partners for the program. “We can not now due to ambitions may even cosmic, space undermines the country’s economic interests. We are now in a difficult situation, we need money to preserve and accurately put the ruble, that he brought more than the ruble, “- said Mr. Rogozin.

Earlier” Kommersant “reported that the new head of the Russian Space Agency appointed Igor Komarov. In addition, the supervisory board of state corporation in the position of Chairman of the Board became deputy prime minister Dmitry Rogozin, aides Andrei Belousov, Larisa Brycheva, Chief of the Space Forces Alexander Golovko, General Director of “Rostec” Sergei Chemezov, and several other high-ranking officials.

Details of the personnel changes in the state-owned corporation, read the material “b”, “headed by Igor Komarov united Roscosmos».


Supermoon-2. A huge moon can be seen again – Petersburg blog

In the autumn moon is closer to Earth again to the maximum
 distance, reports.

At night, August 29 Moon came as close to Earth – it was at a distance of 356 thous. km, while it is usually 400 thousand. km of our planet, iz of what looked unnaturally large.

That night the moon became a star of the Internet – users of social
 Network sharing photographs and discussed the unique phenomenon.

September 28 our satellite closer to Earth again. Moreover,
 Supermoon coincide with the total eclipse, so that will be a huge moon

2015-08-31T03: 05: 14 + 03: 00

In the autumn moon is closer to Earth again to the maximum
 distance, reports.

At night, August 29 Moon came as close to Earth – it was at a distance of 356 thous. km, while it is usually 400 thousand. km of our planet, iz of what looked unnaturally large.

That night the moon became a star of the Internet – users of social
 Network sharing photographs and discussed the unique phenomenon.

September 28 our satellite closer to Earth again. Moreover,
 Supermoon coincide with the total eclipse, so that will be a huge moon

Text Petersburg Diary

Over the weekend, the citizens of Earth will be able to watch Supermoon – News 24 hours –

During this period, the visible disk of the moon will rise by about 10%. This means that the moon in the sky will shine brighter than usual, and its size will be more, certainly not on the floor of the sky, but the spectacle is probably beautiful.

Scientists recommend to watch Supermoon from a place where there are houses and trees, but at the same time perfectly visible the eastern part of the sky. Some of nablyudavschih Supermoon beforehand sent to comfortable viewing platforms to capture this phenomenon. Today, Earth’s Moon will be at maximum the near distance from the planet.

Next Supermoon will be observed on September 28 of this year and coincides with a full lunar eclipse.

The contours of the relief of the moon during the “Supermoon” excellently felt the naked eye, but with the help of binoculars you can see the sea and the lunar craters.

Overview of the


Supermoon exploded Internet – photos and videos from around the world – RSUTE

Saturday, August 29, in the skies over Russia one can see the so-called Supermoon. It is due to the coincidence of three factors – the full moon, moonrise, and as close to the Earth satellite. This Saturday the moon passes through the closest point to our planet.

Supermoon is astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the full moon or new moon coincides with perigee – the moment of closest approach of the Moon and the Earth. At this point, with the Earth can be observed in larger size of the lunar disk than usual. Name Supermoon was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle (Richard Nolle) over 30 years ago.

this such a beautiful celestial show, during which the maximal approach of the moon to the Earth (356 thousand kilometers – a maximum of 410 thousand kilometers) to coincide with the full moon and rising natural satellite of our planet, in 2015 there will be three – 30 August, 28 September and 27 October.

At the same time the most beautiful and unusual, according to astronomers, would be the September Supermoon, when the Russians and all the other inhabitants of the earth will see in the night sky a bloody giant moon. The unusual shade of the natural satellite of Earth scientists explain the Earth’s shadow, which at the time Supermoon “pass” on the disk of the moon.

Members of social networks began to spread photos of the full moon. Today is one of the few days when earthlings can observe the astronomical phenomenon in which natural satellite, is at a minimum distance from the Earth, fully illuminated by the sun. The phenomenon was called Supermoon as the angular size of the brightness of the night 10% higher than usual.
Unusually large and bright lunar disk can be seen in the sky often, say astronomers. Current Supermoon will last three days, so that the citizens of Russia, but like all the other inhabitants of the Earth will be able to watch it two nights. The next time the full moon to the position of the moon at perigee, this is the name closest to the ground point of the lunar orbit coincides September 28.

Residents of the regions in which clouds and rain do not interfere with enjoying astronomical phenomenon, happy pictures of the super-moon and spread the pictures in social networks. Some prepared for the event in advance and took favorable for shooting locations, left the city.

The next time Supermoon can be observed on September 28 this year. It coincides with a full lunar eclipse.


Tonight the moon is closest to earth – Municipal portal

This portal said astronomer observer Tomsk regional planetarium Evgeni Parfenov.

«Recently, this phenomenon became known Supermoon . This is the situation when the time of the full moon coincides with the moment when the moon is closest to Earth. Tolerance may be different – give or take a day between these moments. Now a day just to eat. The full moon was last night at 1.23, and the moon is closest to Earth suit tonight at ten o’clock. This coincidence is a once in 13 months. Now the moon is closer to Earth a day after the full moon, a month ago, it was a half day to the other side, and a month later – for four days, so for three months “, – said our source.

He also explained, that Supermoon best observed with the naked eye, and noted it will be only if you have a good visual memory and you remember how big was the moon last time.

«Were the application to the planetarium to see Supermoon in telescope. But why chase it at this point? In optics, at any time you can see a different approach. On the telescope 40 times, I want 60 put, and 160, “- said the observer.

According to Evgeny Parfenov, visually moon will be the biggest, if at the time of closest approach it with the land is located at the point our planet, where the satellite will be located at the zenith. Tonight it will be in the southern hemisphere – 130 degrees east longitude, the fourth degree south latitude. It’s somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

He added that the smallest moon will be in six months, and the new Supermoon we can observe in the fall of next year.

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Tomic can watch Supermoon on Monday night – RIA Tomsk

TOMSK, August 30 – RIA
The residents of Tomsk region and will in the night from Sunday to Monday
 observe the so-called Supermoon; Earth satellite on the most suitable
 close distance to the planet during the full moon, told RIA
 Tomsk astronomer observer regional planetarium Evgeni Parfenov.

“Saturday was a full moon. At ten o’clock Sunday night is the maximum approximation (of the Moon to the Earth), less than a day after the full moon. This phenomenon is called Supermoon, – he said.

 He said that, like the full moon, the approach of the satellite to the Earth occurs
 regularly. However, the cycle takes about 2.5 days more than
 change all the phases of the moon. Accordingly, Supermoon during which the maximum
 close to Earth right for the full moon happens every month.

 the agency noted that an unusually large moon looks
 the next few months.
