The number of the day:
919 000 000 rubles
So much for the date received Durov VKontakte center.
In the financial statements of the company Group in the first six months of 2015 declared amount for which Paul Durov was bought by ICVA. She owned data center VKontakte, which was the purpose of the transaction.
In the data center to the former head VKontakte social network has been given 919 million rubles. Note that earlier transaction amount is estimated at half a billion, that is almost twice cheaper than the real amount. The transaction was completed in June.
Let’s remind, Group currently owns VKontakte, along with classmates. Pavel Durov VKontakte led for seven years, since 2006. In 2013, it was announced the sale of its stake Tavrin Ivan, CEO of MegaFon. Subsequently, the share taken over by Durov Group, which as a result had their hands on a controlling stake in VKontakte of 52%. In 2014, Pavel Durov resigned as general director of VKontakte. Now he is engaged messenger Telegram, on who is going to spend the money.
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