Sunday, August 30, 2015

Tonight the moon is closest to earth – Municipal portal

This portal said astronomer observer Tomsk regional planetarium Evgeni Parfenov.

«Recently, this phenomenon became known Supermoon . This is the situation when the time of the full moon coincides with the moment when the moon is closest to Earth. Tolerance may be different – give or take a day between these moments. Now a day just to eat. The full moon was last night at 1.23, and the moon is closest to Earth suit tonight at ten o’clock. This coincidence is a once in 13 months. Now the moon is closer to Earth a day after the full moon, a month ago, it was a half day to the other side, and a month later – for four days, so for three months “, – said our source.

He also explained, that Supermoon best observed with the naked eye, and noted it will be only if you have a good visual memory and you remember how big was the moon last time.

«Were the application to the planetarium to see Supermoon in telescope. But why chase it at this point? In optics, at any time you can see a different approach. On the telescope 40 times, I want 60 put, and 160, “- said the observer.

According to Evgeny Parfenov, visually moon will be the biggest, if at the time of closest approach it with the land is located at the point our planet, where the satellite will be located at the zenith. Tonight it will be in the southern hemisphere – 130 degrees east longitude, the fourth degree south latitude. It’s somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

He added that the smallest moon will be in six months, and the new Supermoon we can observe in the fall of next year.

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