Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ampelonsky chided Wikipedia pressure on Roskomnadzor –

The head of the press service of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky chided the administration of the Russian-language Wikipedia in an attempt to put pressure on the agency. He expressed this opinion in an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia».

According to him, representatives of Roskomnadzor were unpleasantly surprised when the Executive Director of the NP “Wikimedia RU” Stanislav Kozlovsky, rather than to fix the article unfolded “large-scale information campaign “. “Its purpose, in our opinion, is to maximize the emotional pressure on Roskomnadzor the public and the media. Apparently hoping to influence in such a way on the decision of the supervisory authority, “- commented Ampelonsky.

The representative of the supervisory authority said that Wikipedia has been excluded from the register of banned sites after of Federal Drug Control Service has come report confirming that the updated text of the article is not contrary to the law.

Ampelonsky stated that the article was reduced to a scientific mind and lock the resource was actually invisible to the majority of subscribers Russian Internet providers.

24 August Roskomnadzor, without waiting for the Federal Drug Control Service, sent a lock link on Narcotic Drugs charas, which has been recognized by the court prohibited. On the morning of August 25 Wikipedia was excluded from the register of banned sites.

A few days before the administration of the Russian-language Wikipedia suffered article “Charas” to a new URL-address adjusted its name, renaming it “Charas (drug substance) “. The text has been slightly modified and Kozlovsky said the administration has no plans to remove the material, since all information is taken from the site of the United Nations.

21 August Roskomnadzor announced that aims to resolve the conflict without locking resources, and complained about the lack of understanding by the administration of the site.

Roskomnadzor August 20 demanded to limit access to an article titled “Charas” based on the decision Chernojarsky District Court of Astrakhan region on June 25, 2015. Prosecutors, on whose initiative was given a prescription, was not satisfied with “textual information showing a method of preparing narcotic-containing substances».


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