The head of the Duma committee on information policy Leonid Levin urged not to speculate on the question of placing the Facebook data to servers Russia , as required by the social network a new law on personal data. The MP explained that in case of violation of the law hypothetical lock resource can be carried out only by court order.
“It is not possible to comment on the relationship between companies and institutions in the absence of the position of the company. Let’s wait for the official Facebook application or performance of their guidance on this issue, then we have to say “, – he called.
In this case, determine whether the signs of default of the law, can only Roskomnadzor, said Levin. “To this end, the agency shall conduct a formal review and come to a conclusion as to whether the data collected by Facebook, personal data,” – he said.
According to Levin, if Roskomnadzor the check comes to the conclusion that the law broken and necessary sanctions against the company, then it will go to court. That will determine the severity of violations and penalties and punishment, reports Tass. “ In any case, lock, if it is necessary according to the law, will be made only by the court “, – said Levin.
“I repeat: while any speculation on this topic does not make sense . There is no official position of the company, there are no official events on the procedure for supervision, “- concluded the head of the profile of the Duma committee.
An updated version of the Law on Personal Data entered into force on 1 September 2015. It requires that all companies working with personal data of Russian citizens, treated and stored them in Russia, and Roskomnadzor led registry violators of this rule. Access to online resources, who are in the registry, the right to limit Roskomnadzor issued by the relevant requirements of Internet service providers.
Earlier, some media reported that Facebook has refused to fulfill the requirement of the transfer of personal data in Russia. This was supposedly the representatives of the social network said during a recent meeting with the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov. Subsequently, the agency denied this information.
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