Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Curiosity found on Mars river pebbles – Russian newspaper

The ancient river Mars were pretty fast and can carry small stones for tens of kilometers downstream.

This conclusion has helped scientists to Martian pebbles discovered rover Curiosity on the surface of the Red the planet.

See also

Stones unusual round shape, reminiscent of river pebbles, was found in the mainstream of dry river on the way to Mount Sharp.

Intrigued by this discovery, scientists from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, tried to learn more about the behavior of the Martian rivers in the past.

To figure out how to change the shape of river stones under the influence of the river, the researchers went on an expedition to one of the mountain rivers in Puerto Rico. They then carried out the necessary mathematical calculations and analysis of the images of the Martian pebbles.

The calculations showed that the stones found Curiosity lost about 20 per cent of the total, indicating that they have been with the waters of the river about 30 50 km. According to calculations, the stones came from the area of ​​the edge of the crater Gale, located just 50 km from the place where they were found, according to RIA Novosti.

See also

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