Thursday, October 15, 2015

Towards a new hypothesis about the causes of coastal scientists extinction of dinosaurs reacted with skepticism – DV-ROSS

Maritimes scientists hypothesized that its titanic dimensions of the ancient reptiles were obliged to lower the gravitational field. But 150 million years on Earth gravity is supposedly increased by almost two times. This process has led to the rapid extinction of dinosaurs. Reptiles of this size are not physically able to dwell in the world today. This sends DV-ROSS.

Scientists have put forward the hypothesis that the surface area of ​​the earth for 150-200 million years has increased by almost 4.5 times.

How did they come to such conclusions, in an interview with Business FM said one of the authors of this theory, the chief researcher of the Institute of Biology Sea RAS Far Eastern Federal District Anatoly Drozdov.

– We have reviewed the literature and found that the data on the lifetime of the dinosaurs and about their weight ambiguous. We got a dozen or so, and it turned out that over the past 150 million years, their size and weight decreased. Since there are specific numbers, then using mathematical techniques analyzed here these data and built entirely clear, first table, then it is mathematically treated, get a chart just to reduce weight. On the other hand, it is very well developed biomineralogy. Biomineralogy been studying the skeletons of organisms, including the study of the skeleton biomineral terrestrial vertebrates. It turned out that the maximum weight of present-day animals that are on the earth, it can not exceed somewhere 17-20 tons, a bone would not stand, they will be destroyed, broken.

However, other experts refer to this hypothesis with great skepticism. Several experts at all refused to comment on Business FM such a theory. The hypothesis looks even slightly, there are several weaknesses, says senior researcher of the Paleontological Institute. AA Borisyak RAS Vladimir Alifanov.

– represent the dinosaurs so that they were always huge, large, and in this spirit, it is, of course, is a big mistake. But some died out not only the giant dinosaurs became extinct, and some small dinosaurs that were also. So I am afraid that this is another hypothesis, and rather frivolous. By the way, the crisis was quite ambitious. It concerned not only the dinosaurs, it also applies to other animal groups, not all, but some, including the sea. Marine reptiles also extinct. And there as something in the water gravity, maybe not as strongly felt, there are more weightless so.

In addition, the confusion among other scientists polled Business FM, provoked the hypothesis that the force of gravity on the Earth supposedly has doubled, and its surface area has increased by almost four times.

Senior researcher of the Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences Kirill Eskov even advised the authors to apply to the school textbook physics, and explain how by increasing the mass of the planet to get around the law of conservation of matter, studied in sixth grade.

And if they expect an increase in the radius of the planet, while maintaining its weight, the force of gravity on its surface must be reduced according to the studied in the eighth grade Newton’s law of universal gravitation.

For information leads BFM.


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