Patriotic social network does not remain aloof from the regular updates of its platform and now “VKontakte” wrapped Pladform and YouTube videos in your own design. Members noticed this approach just recently and overwhelmingly surprised, because a few days ago everything was more familiar to regulars “VC”, writes portal
Now, YouTube player and under Pladform skinirovany Player “VKontakte”. Innovation is only available in the news and video directory, but developers will soon promise to add this feature to all videos. Soon vrmeni skin “VKontakte” will and other built-in player.
Note that in this way the leadership of the popular social network wanted to simplify the functionality of your own videos, and left the transition to the original video to third-party site, located in the lower right corner . Also worth noting is that the function of counting video views still remain. It is reported that today the update are only in the newswire and section with videos of the user.
other things, the quality of the display or playback speed is not affected, so fans of “VKontakte” have nothing to fear, said portal rsute .ru. Now, under the new policy of the social networks, all embedded videos from YouTube or Pladform platforms will be shown only to users through a standard “vkontktovsky” player. Besides all the videos got a little screen for easy viewing.
In this case, the creators of “VC” did not hide from its viewers the fact was taken from the video clip. Logo platform is still in place, so that everyone can recognize the source of your video. We should also note that fans of bands do not have to fear that their views because the system will not be counted algorithm YouTube. This arrangement shall remain in force.
Go to the original video, as before, you can link a video or by clicking on the logo of video sharing.
Users concerned about the fact that the player lost the slider rewind.
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