Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Authorities blocked forever pirate library “Flibusta” – Express-News

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Online Library Flibusta.net life blocked by a court decision. In addition, rights holders have gone further and began to fight like a “mirror” site, and its version of messenger Telegram.

Moskovskovsky City Court ruled otppravit online library “Flibusta” on a permanent lock. This was reported by the Russian news agency the legal and judicial information with reference to the press service of the court.

On an ongoing basis will be blocked access to flibusta.net site, and two of his mirror, flibusta.is and flibusta.me, received a decision on the primary lock, according to Ferra The primary lock can be removed if you delete the administration of illegal content.

Recall the summer of 2015 the Moscow City Court issued a decision ordering Roskomnadzor to block access as interim measures pages on “Flibuste” kotoroya placed on works infringing the publishing house “Eksmo”. It was about a Russian translation of the four works of Ray Bradbury, including “Fahrenheit 451,” The Golden Apples of the Sun, “” The Martian Chronicles “and” Dandelion Wine “. the suit decision was adopted on 18 June 2015 and the “Eksmo” had 15 days to prepare a claim for the full content blocking infringing copyrights.

Of course, the choice of this product as a reason for claims under copyright Rights to the online library could not cause a lively response from the classics of science fiction-loving representatives of the Russian Internet. It is interesting that the claims at the publishing house called the old translation of the book, as laid out in the Library Moshkova made T. Shinkarev and published by the publishing house “The Truth” in 1987.

«Lifetime” lock online resources for copyright infringement acts c in Russia May 1, 2015, when entered “anti-piracy” amendments to the law “on information, information technologies and information protection” effect. Currently, under the perpetual “ban” is over two dozen resources. However, the block with the main site of the offending his “mirror” rights holders can not yet. For several months, representatives of the Ministry of Communications in conjunction with the Roskomnadzor and the owners prepared a draft of new amendments that would allow for a simplified procedure to block copies of blocked resources.

Flibusta.net also known attempt to “revive” via chat-bot in the messenger Telegram that allows users to download books for free through the links in the dialog box. Rights holders across AZAPO already appealed to the Telegram Administration to remove the bot, and after she ignored their letters, asked the intervention of the applications store AppStore and Google Play. According Ryabyko, after this step, the developers came up with Telegram owners to communicate and responding to email on Gmail, and presented as “team Telegram», ask for contracts, confirming the copyright to the content.


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