Saturday, April 9, 2016

The ninth planet destroy us – TVNZ

Somewhere out there in the cold darkness

The fact that the solar system in addition to the Mercury , Venus , Earth, Mars, Jupiter , Saturn , Neptune and Uranus ( Pluto in 2006 is not considered a planet – too small) most likely there is another planet – ninth – aka Planet X, aka Planet 9, at the beginning of 2016 announced astronomers Constantine Batygin Mike Brown (Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown) at the California Institute of technology in Pasadena (Caltech) in a specialized magazine The Astronomical journal. The news caused a sensation, although this very ninth planet never seen before. I can not see it and still. But indirect evidence that it is indeed there, multiplied

Let me remind you, Planet 9 Brown and Batygin calculated by analyzing the movement of 13 so-called minor planets, orbiting beyond Pluto in the Kuiper belt. – massive accumulation and not the objects surrounding the solar system. The trajectories of the minor planets have pointed to the fact that they are influenced by some very heavy body. Computer modeling has shown: impact object which is about 10 times the mass of the earth. He moves on a highly elongated orbit that approaches the Sun at 200 astronomical units, remove the 1200 and penetrating the Oort cloud. The astronomical unit is the distance from Earth to the sun. That is, the object – very far. To fly around our star he needs more than 15 thousand years.

The astronomers estimated the probability of an error in his calculations to 0.007 percent. And started to search for planets 9. In fact, to finally make its existence, the planet must be seen in any telescope.

Planet 9, still belongs to the solar system.

See to

It is not known which is currently Planet 9 – can anywhere in its elongated orbit. So, it searches can drag on for years. If direct telescopes at random. But French astronomers (Agnus Fienga at the Cote d’Azur Observatory in France), believed in Planet 9, it is believed that you can narrow down the search area. In their view, additional information to clarify the calculation gives the trajectory of movement of the probe “Cassini”, flying is now on the borders of the solar system. After all Planet 9 affects the her

The French, after analyzing the trajectory of the “Cassini”, figured:. It is necessary to look in the direction of the constellation Cetus. Somewhere in the distance of 600 astronomical units, and is sought wanderer. Like, if you look closely, the New Year can be found.

Meanwhile, the Swiss experts in the field of formation and evolution of planets – Professor Christopher Mordazini and his colleague Easter Linder (professor Christoph Mordasini and Esther Linder) from the University of Bern (University of Bern) – explain how to construct the still undiscovered planet. And determine that its diameter is nearly 4 times higher than the earth

According to the Swiss, Planet 9 -. Ice giant mass of 10 Earth, the shell of which is made up of hydrogen and helium. The planet is similar to Uranus or Neptune, but fewer of them. Its temperature of minus 226 degrees Celsius

Planets Model 9: inner iron core and silicate rocks, outside – the frozen gas..

Astronomers believe: an optical telescope to see such a cold body is unlikely to succeed. But infrared fit. When a planet is actually discovered, scientists appreciate the damage it can cause.

Search Zone Planet 9.


What if Planet 9 – this is the nemesis? Or Tyche?

Horror story about a certain planet or chilled star carrying a global catastrophe, appeared in the 80s of the last century. But it became particularly popular in 2011 – about a year before the end of the world, who was appointed by the Mayan Indians in 2012. Then alarmists, expecting trouble from space pleased astrophysicists John Mathis (John Matese) and Daniel Uitmir (Daniel Whitmire) from the University of Louisiana (University of Louisiana). Announced that the next solar system – the so-called Oort cloud – is obliged to be very massive object

The Oort Cloud -. This is an existing giant bubble filled with billions and rather large ice boulders. They are, as astronomers believe, regularly replenish the number of comets that circulate through the solar system and sometimes fall on the planet. Leave a giant crater. Including in the world.

So, many believe that a giant space object every few tens of millions of years, approaching our planet. It provokes comet rain, gravity anomalies, catastrophic processes in the bowels, which lead eventually to the mass extinction of living beings. First object called Nemesis, Tyche – in honor of the Greek goddesses, called Planet X, but assuming that it can exist. But now, after Brown and Batygina calculations, we should speak about Planet 9.

The Oort cloud begins far beyond the orbit of Pluto. Its external borders, by one estimate, are in one light year from the Sun – a quarter of the way up to Proxima Centauri, the closest star in the Alpha Centauri star system. On the other, the cloud – halfway

To the comet flew from the Oort cloud, and rushed into the inner solar system, it must be noticeable gravitational influence.. It was believed that it creates Jupiter surrounding stars and galaxies. And on mathematical estimates Mathis Uitmira and it turned out that this does not suffice. Like, for motion pictures comets observed today, an additional object. It turns out that they are correct.

Scientists believe that the object is a global catastrophe every 27 million years. This corresponds to the schedule of mass extinctions on Earth.

Mathis and Uitmir believe that Planet 9 once killed the dinosaurs. And we can.

Even before Brown and Batygina of “extra” gas giant said David Nesvorny (David Nesvorny) from Southwestern Research Institute in San -Antonio, Texas (Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas). And he spent a computer simulation, which showed that the four giant planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus, enough to ensure that our system was formed in the form that it has today. The probability of such an event is only 2.5 percent. And here are five giants -. Just right

David spent the 6000 “experiment” by simulating the formation and development of the solar system. And got similar results, which pointed to the fifth planet.

According to the scientist, colleague “blew” Jupiter, who moved on to a more distant orbit. And it is not excluded that the Planet 9 – this is just “rejected” the fifth giant



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