Friday, July 15, 2016

Abbasov suspected Pokemon Go founders in connection with the special services – RBC

Photo: Global Look Press via ZUMA Press

The creation of the game Pokemon Go to smarfonov could participate intelligence services, said Minister of communications and mass communications Minister Nikolai Nikiforov. According to him, the game can be the source of the video

The Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Minister Nikolai Nikiforov suspected that in creating the game Pokemon Go to participate intelligence services who would like to get interested in their video information.

“some talented people talented created the game. I do not want to give the next dose, splash in the media, but I have the suspicion that this app is created, including the participation kakih-to intelligence agencies that collect video information in all countries, all over the world “- quoted by TASS statement on Nikiforov forum “Territory of meanings on the Klyazma»


He also reminded that modern operating systems are controlled by foreign companies. “Trying to understand what is happening in our smartphone or communication channel while playing with Pokemon is almost impossible without having to reduce the share of foreign software operating system”, – said the minister

However, he said he did not. considers it necessary to engage in blocking or otherwise regulate the game Pokemon Go.

The company Niantic Labs July 6 released under license from The Pokemon Company game with elements of augmented reality Pokemon Go. She appeared in the shops of mobile App Store and Google Play applications. The game is officially available in the US, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Germany and the UK. In the near future developers have promised to release a version of the game for a number of other countries, including Russia. At present, wishing to play in Russia can establish an informal version of the game.

The number of Pokemon Go downloads in the AppStore and Google Play has exceeded 15 million, while the number of its daily users has exceeded 20 million. The game has broken records of popularity. After the release of the value of securities of the Japanese video game maker Nintendo showed a record growth in its history – on 70%, from 6 to 14 July in the capitalization of the Tokyo Stock Exchange rose to $ 33.9 billion (as of 19:00 MSK July 14). Game day brings the creators of more than $ 1.6 million, follows from the calculations SensorTower. Despite the fact that the game is free, after the “capture” a certain number of Pokemon and continue playing the game, users must pay.


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