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Photo: NASA / Reuters
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in July, amateur astronomers looking into the night sky over Russia will be able to see with the naked eye ISS fly past in the form of a bright, fast-moving point.
From 15 to 22 July last night good times ISS visibility, the press service of the Moscow Planetarium.
“Watch the station will be after midnight, closer to the middle of the night, in the European and Central parts of our country,” – said in its report
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The Planetarium clarified that it is not necessary to take up telescopes and binoculars, as the ISS is quite difficult to catch with an optical instrument, considering its speed of movement. But to the naked eye, it will be visible under certain conditions very well. It is noted that the brightness of the station could even compete with Jupiter and Venus.
“Space House is always moving from west to east, and completes one turn in about half an hour visible from the International Space Station Earth becomes the coincidence of several factors -. The station is illuminated by the Sun, and at a certain segment of the trajectory reflects sunlight in the same way as the moon Accordingly such. favorable conditions occasionally observed in different parts of our planet “- said in a statement Planetarium
Planetarium astrophysicist and collaborator Alexander Perhnyak advised to use special applications for smartphones, such as ISS detector or ISS Spotter.
“During the passage you just need to look at the sky above the western horizon, – adds the expert -. The station is like a bright, fast-moving and flicker-free star of white color, which, as it moves and sunset in the shadow of the Earth can be replaced on the reddish -oranzhevy. Incidentally, it was at this time the astronauts on board will see the sunset. “
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