Thursday, August 13, 2015

Starfall Perseids 2015: bright picture of Russia, Belarus and other countries – Russia Dialogue

Starfall from 12 to 13 August 2015 could see the people around the world. It is a beautiful sight watching annually due Comet Swift-Tuttle.

Tonight, August 13, residents of different countries could see the real “Shooting Stars” – Perseid meteor shower.

Несмотря the whole romantic moment, we note that from a scientific point of view, everything is much more prosaic, all that beauty that was in heaven, is nothing more than dust particles, pieces of ice and rock from the tail of comet Swift-Tuttle.

In this flow each year enters our planet.

Звездопад in August 2015 related to the passage of the planet Earth through the tail of a comet. The peak intensity of the meteor shower came in the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

The web residents of different countries shared their experiences and photos stargazing.

“Смотрел, I saw about 20-30 per hour, left much for 13 km from the city, because the city can be seen only a couple of stars “- says Evgeny Borovkov, Ust-Ilminsky.

“S 21.30 to 24.15 meteorite counted 22 … then they began to fall … much less put forth all wishes and went to sleep. … Good night! “- Galina Alexandrova, Lviv, Ukraine.

“Устала neck. Eighteen bodies clearly saw, but I’m sure there were many more “, – Vladimir Smirnov, the city of Vyazma.

” I went to the night of 12 to 13 in the mountains, I saw a lot. It was very nice. I saw some 20 stars. I really liked it again tomorrow go watch the stars. Well, it’s all fun, “- says Irina Rabkevich, Mogilev, Belarus.

“In Kharkov, three in 10 minutes!” – Karina Gorbatenko, Kharkov, Ukraine.

“Устала wait. Moscow. Good night, “- he wrote on August 13 at 0:58 Natalia Azarov. Moscow.

“In the Kursk region was not visible” – expressed regret Natasha Yeliseyev.

” 2-3 star in 5 minutes (Kirov region), “- says Daniel Domrachev.

” So I have 6 and 4 stars are not just flying the plane, and it is a quarter of an hour, “- said Luda Sholodko, Rovno, Ukraine.

This is one of the most anticipated and bright astronomical sobytiy.Sleduyuschy meteor shower – Orionids – expected from 6 to 30 November. Peak activity Orionids accounts for 17-18 numbers.

Также residents of Yekaterinburg and Saratov Share your videos stargazing.

For all who want NASA arranged online broadcast of this rare beauty of a natural phenomenon.


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