Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Eight in a telephone code will replace the zero – Dni.Ru

in 2017, the Russians will make international calls for a new way. Eight in a telephone code will replace the zero.
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press / Simon Belcher

In Minekonomsvyazi said that after 2017 in Russia will change the procedure for dialing phone numbers. To call a landline or mobile phone in the country, you need to dial 8, and in the case of the international calls – 8-10, reminded the Office. In the future, this will require dial 0 and 00 .

Go to the prefix 0 has to occur in accordance with the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union. “ This is done to ensure the maximum degree of standardization of national prefix , used in different countries, as much as possible to facilitate the procedure of dialing when moving from one country to another, to minimize the number of dialed digits” – quoted a representative of the Ministry of Communications “Izvestia” .

The ministry stressed that the directions to move to 0 have been registered yet in the order of 2006 “On approval and enactment of Russian numeration system and plan.” Initially required in all regions of Russia to transfer phone numbers of emergency services 01, 02, 03, 101, 102, 103 and a single for such services number 112.

“The transition to the use of numbers is not carried out, since not all communication Equipment for network supports three-digit numbers – said the department. – Completion of the modernization of local telephone networks to provide a set of three-digit numbers with the timetable for the introduction of throughout Russia single number calling emergency services 112 planned before the end of 2017 in accordance with the government “.

The general director of the analytical company TelecomDaily Denis Kuskov said that the transition to 112 runs chaotically. “This transition is not at the federal and at the regional and even municipal level. On each site can have its contractors for the introduction of such a system, what is wrong, because then you need this whole system to connect into a coherent whole – said pieces. – Additionally that, if it is to call 112 and try to connect to the fire or police have to wait long. Technically 112 in many parts implemented, but there have been problems associated with routing, when dial-up was carried out not on the nearest Ministry of Emergency Situations, and in Moscow or St. Petersburg , despite the fact that the man was in Yaroslavl. There must be a connection point with the aid, the closest to the location of a network base station. ”

In turn, the major mobile operators declared their readiness to go to 0 instead of 8 . “The transition to the prefixes 0 and 00 is determined by the technical readiness of all operators in Russia”, – said the representative of “Megafon” Tatyana Zvereva.

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