Wednesday, September 23, 2015

In the center of Moscow found outside the XII century – 33LIVE.RU

The excavations in the in the area of ​​the demolished hotel Russia, archaeologists stumbled out of the XII century

The archaeologists who work on excavations in the area of ​​the former hotel “Russia”, in the heart the Russian capital, found this out the XII century. Scientists have stumbled upon one of the main arteries of the ancient Moscow, which led from the Kremlin to the pier.

“The scientists of the Institute of Archaeology RAS during excavations in charge in the area of ​​the demolished hotel” Russia “, discovered the ancient streets of Moscow tenements – street Magna, which originated in the the early stage of development of the city, perhaps as early as the XII century “, – quotes the representative of the Institute of Archaeology RAS RIA Novosti.

The experts studied the ancient city artery and concluded that the street took place in the area of ​​the Great Mokrinskiy alley. The head of the excavation Leonid Belyayev said that it was strategically important to the nascent city. “She was from the Kremlin to the pier, and refers to the earliest stages of construction of the city in XII-XIII centuries. Excavation laid in the south-eastern part of the vast area where there was a hotel, and it has paid off,” – said Belyaev.

The specialist added that almost the entire width of the excavation, which is 6.5 meters, take the log top-tier bridge (XVII-XVIII centuries), which places the remains lay the first stone paving, out of this tier of logs seen earlier levels. “These logs will help us in the creation of the first scale dendrochronology Moscow, which can not be built for several decades,” – said Belyaev.


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