Monday, September 28, 2015

Rose above the horizon, “bloody” Luna – REGNUM


Moscow, September 28, 2015, 08:54 – REGNUM On the night of Monday, November 28 there was a rare astronomical phenomenon – “blood Moon”. The previous total eclipse Supermoon observed in 1982. The next will take place in 2033

The unusual red color satellite of the Earth acquired from the fact that at the time when he came to our planet as close as possible, it drive hit the Earth’s shadow. This visually moon looked bigger than usual.

There was a phenomenon in the western part of Eurasia, North Africa and in South and North America. Residents of Russia were able to see him only at sunset.

Members of social networks, watch this unusual astronomical phenomenon, called it a very beautiful and posted photos in large numbers.

As reported previously IA REGNUM , astronomers are preparing for Watch “Blood Moon” on the night of 27 to 28 of September.

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