Sunday, September 20, 2015

Scientists have identified a brain region responsible for punishment – commander

Researchers at Vanderbilt University have established the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for deciding on the punishment. The results of this study may help to understand the judge’s reasoning when deciding on the punishment of persons who committed the crime.

The researchers conducted an experiment involving 33 people. They stimulated brain test using a magnetic field. Participants in the experiment were to adjudicate their child offenders.

Volunteers in the amount of 33 people have to review the scenario in which a citizen Joe made all sorts of crimes ranging from theft to murder. Some of the crimes were committed intentionally, and Joe replied to the fullest extent of the law. In other cases, his guilt was not as pronounced because of compelling him to the crime of others or psychosis.

Scientists have determined that the violations in the activity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex decreases the degree of punishment for a crime, without affecting the ratings of blameworthiness, assuming that these two aspects of judgment based on various cognitive processes.

Therefore, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex provides an important role in the decision on the punishment, because it is fundamentally linked to other areas of the brain and is able to integrate multiple streams of information to select appropriate solutions. To take appropriate decisions, people should take into account the degree of guilt of the suspect and the harmful consequences of his acts.

According to the scientists, this area is able to collect information on the degree of guilt of another person. But the decision about the need to bear responsibility for their actions, it does not have any effect.

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