Saturday, September 26, 2015

The calendar in each of us – Ghhauto: top stories Russia

26.09.2015 14:04

A group of scientists from the universities of Manchester and Edinburgh has made a very interesting discovery. It turns out that each person has a biological calendar, which helps the body to determine the seasons, and to adapt to them, reports BBC Russian.

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The researchers conducted a series of experiments with the brain of sheep in different seasons and found a set of cells that respond to changes in the weather. In animals, they are responsible for functions such as reproduction and hibernation, and people for the activation of the immune system.

This “calendar cells “were found in the pituitary gland, which is located on the bottom surface of the brain and is responsible for the release of hormones in the blood. They can stay in two states – summer and winter.

“It seems that in a short time, in the middle of winter or the middle of summer, all these cells reside in one of these two states “, – explains professor at Manchester University, Andrew Loudon.

The researchers liken this phenomenon to the daily rhythm that tells the body when awake, and when to sleep, and the annual in charge of migration and hibernation in animals. In winter the day is shorter, the body produces more melatonin the sleep hormone.

“We’ve been found that melatonin plays an important role in long rhythms, but how and where it works, remained a mystery – says Professor Loudon.

How to identify signs of influencing us certain times of the year? The people do not have the breeding season, do not hibernate, do not migrate like animals. Yet another sign, scientists have found. When the cold weather in the human body begin to activate genes for the immune system.

There is still much to be explored in this area, but the available data, laid a solid foundation for new discoveries.


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