Tuesday, September 29, 2015

President of the Academy of Sciences did not understand how to take the logarithm of the number of scientists in pieces – BBC

President of the Russian Academy of Sciences has summed up the two-year interim reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in the presence of the journalists spoke about the new initiatives to rejuvenate the Russian science.

Talking about the results of the reform, the President of Russian Academy of Sciences said the completion of the “big and heavy bureaucratic work” on the transfer of property management in the Russian Academy of Sciences Fano. In addition, he noted the importance of made in terms of consolidation of the three academies into one – one of the main points of the reform of Russian Academy of Sciences, started in the summer of 2013.

«We have kept that from our point of view, is the essence of the academy. It is the freedom of academic creativity, democracy, “- said the fort. According to him, Russian Academy of Sciences has become an important merit “as paradoxical as it sounds,” the fact that the Academy of Sciences can carry out scientific research. That is the question at the time was an occasion for a serious confrontation between academics and those who started the reform of Russian Academy of Sciences.

He proudly noted that the Academy uses only about 15% of all resources spent on science, and gives up to 60 % of scientific publications indexed in international scientific databases. And of the thousand most quoted Russian scientists half – members of the Academy of Sciences.

«What was written in the law [on reforming the Russian Academy of Sciences], we have carried out with accuracy and on time,” – said the fort. According to him, today the majority of the decisions taken by the country under examination RAS.

In the first step of the RAS task management was not convert it into a club of scientists; Now the second stage, which, according to Fortov, the law established “dull.”

«Our task – to make sure that everyone our step benefited scientist, not a bureaucrat, who is sitting nearby. We must be guided by the May presidential decrees, “- he said. It’s about bringing to a certain level of publications of Russian scientists in international journals, increase spending on research and development to 1.77% of gross domestic product (today – 1.17%), bringing the average wage level scientists to double the average salary in the region.

«For Moscow is 180 thousand. And today it is at the level of 40 thousand.” – said Forts.

One of those present Journalists asked the president of the RAS, what he thought of establishing an association of press services of RAS institutes.

«PR – one of the areas in which the RAS needs to be changed radically. We must explain to our society, what we need, what we do, what our favor. We must make sure that science was the focus of our press, “- Fortier said, admitting that transform the direction of the RAS is difficult, because in Soviet science especially in no need of being an autonomous part of the ideology.

On the need to “steer clear” of the old approaches to covering the work updated RAS Forts said earlier to online interview to “Gazeta.ru”. However, more than two years ago.

Meanwhile, the past six months were marked by other bright problems in relations with the Russian Academy of Sciences Fano. So, last May conference of scientists sharply raised the issue of restructuring, leading to the “stripping” of academic institutions in other departments, and replace base funding competitive.

In addition, scientists do not agree with the plans of Fano put at the head of the institutions are not respected scientists, and “effective management” unrelated to science. One of these episodes Fano confrontation with academics was the case with dismissal of the director Eric Galimov Geochemistry , followed by the Russian scientific world.

At the request of the correspondent of “Gazety.Ru” RAS President commented on recent scandalous proposals Fano caused heated discussion in the academic environment. Thus, in his letter of September 3, “On the illegal demand” Fano actually banned RAS interested in the activities of individual scientists without the knowledge of Fano.

In addition, Fano its document titled “Terms and conditions of the incentive payments heads of federal government budget institutions “actually proposed to replace the salary of directors of the institutions in the award,

Apply for this very ornate formula that caused the smile on the part of scientists.

«I think that it goes against the basic principles of the reform, where it is said that the Russian Academy of Sciences carries out scientific management, and economic and administrative – the prerogative of Fano. The interaction with the scientists should be in continuous operation, now we have worked this issue caused a stir, and soon you will know the result – said the fort. – We believe one hundred percent that the research team is to manage the scientist, the person at the forefront of scientific research. In such a post in any case can not be put managers.

If science will control managers, not scientists, it will be building will be a sign, but no science ».

According to him, the story itself to the formula of management salaries perfectly illustrates the situation where a person, far from science generates, to put it mildly, questionable ideas. “Ever since the school is known that the logarithm must be dimensionless quantities. A formula is taken to the root of the sum of the squares of scientists (in units) and the square of the allocated funds. We are against this “- said Forts.

In order to draw into science more young scientists, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Tuesday accepted a position on the new honors, which will be awarded to outstanding scientists working outside the academic institutions.

It is planned that the title of professor of Russian Academy of Sciences will be awarded to scientists actively engaged in research work, with serious scientific achievements. While the manual RAS are discussions to introduce an age limit for the award (up to 50 years) and how many scientists to nominate the first time, in order not to “dilute” the prestige of the award.

At the first stage it is planned that the title is not It will involve some payments. Its purpose – to attract young professionals to the RAS and their motivation to being affiliated with the Academy of Sciences, said academician, vice-rector of Moscow State University Alexei Khokhlov. In the future, I’m sure the president of Russian Academy of Sciences, may make payments to the holders of these titles. “I have no doubt that the money breakdown. Let’s first see how it will work, “- he said at the presidium.


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