Sunday, September 27, 2015

On Monday, over the Earth rise again bloody moon – REGNUM


Moscow, September 27, 2015, 07:52 – REGNUM The inhabitants of the Earth will again be able to watch interesnot astronomical phenomenon – a giant blood- red or brown moon. On this day, September 27, the press service of the Institute of Applied Astronomy (IAA).

It is reported that the bloody moon will be visible in the western part of Eurasia, North Africa and the east coast of both America . Effe CT cr ovavoy moon give match moon eclipse with a perigee of the Earth’s satellite (passage Moon closest to the earth part of its elliptical orbit).

Total lunar eclipse will at 5:10 am Moscow time on Monday, September 28 and will last until 6:23 MSK. The maximum phase of the eclipse will reach 5:47 MSK. Moon at this time will be visible in the west, near the horizon. When the satellite hit in the Earth’s shadow, its color will change from bright yellow, to red or brown.

In Russia, the bloody moon can be observed in the regions of the Ural Mountains.

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