Thursday, August 6, 2015

NASA has extended a contract with the Russian Space Agency on the flight to the ISS – First Channel

at least another three years, American astronauts will travel to the ISS on a Russian ship. NASA has extended a contract with the Russian Space Agency, and pledged to pay half a billion dollars more. On this occasion, the director of the National Space Agency had to issue a separate explanation for the Congress.

More least three years, American astronauts will travel to the ISS on a Russian ship. NASA has extended a contract with the Russian Space Agency, and pledged to pay half a billion dollars more. On this occasion, the director of the National Space Agency had to issue a separate explanation for the Congress.

The fact is that Americans are more than a year discussing the need to return to the launch of its own manned spacecraft, which are suspended in 2012. Recently, this topic and even fueled tensions between Moscow and Washington – Many US politicians called for an end to dependence on Russian rockets.

But, as pointed out by the director of NASA from words to action and not passed: funding every year less and less, and the responsibility for this lies partly in the Parliament, which approves the budget.

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