Thursday, June 23, 2016

As smart phones cause temporary blindness – BBC

Smartphones have become constant companions of our lives: in addition to what we use them for their intended purpose (for conversations and correspondence), they are often replaced and a work computer and a game console, and a book, and a camera. More recently, scientists describe a new phenomenon under the name “fabbing” – the word refers to a situation where a person during a conversation with family and friends is constantly distracted by the phone, causing irritation interlocutors

<.! - place 8306759, / science ™ / 2016/06 / 15_a_8306759.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut1_link ->

However, doctors now found that smartphones can create not only the tension in relations with others – they are also capable of causing a new, not recorded earlier type of blindness (thankfully temporary)

The journal The new England Journal of Medicine posted a message doctors <. / b>, who talked about the first two reported cases of “Smartphone of blindness.” The first victim – 22-year-old girl – came to the doctor complaining of a temporary loss of vision in the dark, with the ability to see only one lost his right eye. She said that blindness attacks occur with it several times a week throughout the whole year. At night time the right eye sees only the vague outlines of objects, although the vision is fully restored the following morning. The doctors examined the patient and found that with the right eye all right: blood clots in vessels absent, the level of vitamin A was normal, the results of magnetic resonance angiography (examination of blood vessels) and echocardiography were also absolutely normal

<. span class = "idea"> Experts found no reasons for which the eye could lose his sight.

The second patient was 40 years old. She complained of similar symptoms within six months she could not see with one eye on waking before dawn. Sight restored after about 15 minutes after getting up. In her case, the doctors also did not reveal any physical disorders that could provoke blindness

<-.! Place 8245529, / science ™ / 2016/05 / 16_a_8245529.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link - >

The doctors began to find out what external factors could cause temporary loss of vision in the dark. During the conversation with the patients it turned out that the blindness was advancing only after the woman for a few minutes looking into the screen of his smartphone lying on his side in this case. The first patient, usually lying buried in the phone before going to bed, and the second – in the morning

At the same blind eye on the side opposite to that on which the woman was lying..

Experts came to the conclusion that the temporary blindness occurred due to the fact that women, without realizing it, looked in the phone’s screen is only one eye (the second in this time was closed pillow or blanket ). Because of this, the closed eyes adapted to the darkness, and the public – to the bright light of the screen. When the smartphone is turned off, used to light the eyes lose the ability to see – many of us have experienced this when I came out of the dark room brightly lit space

This hypothesis was tested in an experiment.. Both suffered from smartphones ladies were asked to look at the screen with both eyes first, then each in turn. Every time after that, they experienced a temporary loss of vision. But the doctor did not stop experiments on patients – they have done the same. Doctors vision is not lost, but the ability to see the open eye accustomed to the light they have sharply deteriorated for a short period of time

<-.! Place 8200085, / science ™ / 2016/04 / 27_a_8200085.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut3_link ->

The authors predict that in the future similar cases will occur more and more often, as the brightness of the screen phones and other gadgets is increasing, and people spend in the company of smart phones more and more time. Does “Smartphones blindness” has any long-term negative impact on the retina, is unclear.

Lying in bed with a smartphone can not only lead to temporary blindness. Earlier, American scientists investigated Reading with the impact of electronic media with glowing screens sleep. The work showed that the blue light emitted by gadgets screens, promotes sleep disturbances – an article about it was published in the journal PNAS

In the course of experts watched the 12 participants in the experiment, which for a few hours before bedtime read either. paper books, or books in electronic media with glowing screens. Lead author Anna Maria Chan said that

blue light emitted by gadgets, violated the circadian rhythms of the body and prevented the development of melatonin – a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms .

as a result, people who read books on electronic devices, the evening did not feel the desire to sleep longer asleep, and spent less time in REM sleep. According to scientists, like the effect of technology on our sleep – the scourge of the XXI century: the suppression of melatonin production is threatened not only sleep disorders, but also an increased risk of prostate cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer



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