Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Musk: the cause of the crash of the Falcon 9 could be a small single engine thrust – RIA Novosti

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WASHINGTON, June 15 – RIA Novosti. The cause of unsuccessful landing of the first stage of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle after the launch of two satellites could be the low thrust of one of the three engines of the rocket, said in his microblog on Twitter owner of SpaceX Elon Musk.

“It seems, was low thrust of one of the three involved landing engines “- Musk wrote. In his remark, for the successful landing is necessary that all the rocket engines were working at full capacity.

The company owner has promised to soon publish a landing video. According to his estimates, the analysis of the causes of unsuccessful landing can last until the end of the year.

Start the rocket took place at 17:29 MSK settlement. Nine minutes after the start of the first step back to the platform, but as the company confirmed later, it could not be saved. According to Musk, floating platform as a result of a hard landing of the first stage is not affected.

SpaceX technology fulfills a reusable first stage of the Falcon 9 rocket to reduce the cost of space flight. To date, the company has managed once landed the first stage to the launch site, and three times to save the rocket after landing on a floating platform, “Of course I still love you” in the Atlantic.

The main mission of the Falcon 9 on Wednesday was the withdrawal in two space created by Boeing communications satellite Eutelsat 117 West B and ABS 2A. Both devices successfully delivered into orbit.

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