Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The first stage of the rocket Falcon 9 rigidly landed on the platform in the Atlantic – RIA Novosti

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WASHINGTON, June 15 – RIA Novosti. The first stage of the rocket Falcon 9, was not able to make a successful landing on a floating platform in the Atlantic Ocean after the launch of Eutelsat 117 West B and ABS 2A communication satellite, the rocket lost the broadcast start and landing is the company SpaceX.

The launch took place at 17:29 MSK the calculated, after 9 minutes after the start of the first step was to return to the platform in the ocean. At the time of planting, when the frame begins to smoke and flame, part of the rocket was visible, video broadcast interrupted

“Unfortunately, we lost the rocket, but we got a lot of valuable data,” -. Said leading broadcast.

Previously, the company, which hopes to realize the possibility of a reusable launch vehicle, has made four successful landing of the first stage: one in December at the launch site and three times – on a floating platform with a poetic name “Of course I still love you” .

The main mission of the Falcon 9 today was withdrawal into orbit two created by Boeing communications satellite Eutelsat 117 West B and ABS 2A.

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