17:10 22.06.2016
(updated: 17:40 22.06.2016 )
1136 0 1
MOSCOW, June 22 – RIA Novosti Dissertation RANHiGS Council recommended that the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) to save the head of the Ministry of Communications Nikolay Nikiforov, who was suspected of plagiarism, Ph.D., RIA Novosti “Leave a PhD degree. Our solution is a recommendation “, – said after the vote of the Dissertation Council, consisting of 18 members, Advisor to the Rector RANHiGS Oleg Protsenko.
Earlier voluntary network community” dissernet “Nikiforov demanded to deprive the PhD degree for the alleged plagiarism in the thesis. According to the” dissernet “The statement was sent to the HAC. Notice of borrowing in the thesis Nikiforov” dissernet “found in April, 2014. According to the researchers, some pages work coincide with the thesis of Alexander Sosnovsky” Innovative model for information management in health care. “
Leonid Volkov, to apply for a scientific degree of deprivation Nikiforov, told reporters that, in general satisfied with the meeting of the Board.
“The decision was quite predictable. But all propriety have been met, we were given to speak, listened carefully, asked questions … I must say I have a good impression remains … Tip understood, the work read, “- said Volkov
According to him, in. Council recommendation to be forwarded to the WAC, “all those items on the irregularities and inaccuracies included in the final conclusion.” “that is, they have recognized that there is a drawing of the text. That is, even though they clearly voted for the preservation of the degree, while in detention, they recognized that there is a disruption in the design and quotation, recognized that there is a large overlap in the text, and generally scolded and told that the council in Kazan could work better “- said Volkov
According to the information on the site.” dissernet “Nikiforov defended his thesis on” An innovative model of information management in the provision of public electronic services: the example of the republic of Tatarstan “in Kazan state technological University December 16, 2011.
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