Tuesday, March 29, 2016

BMP-3 will make desolate – Russian Newspaper

In Kovrov developed automated control system of the BMP-3, told RIA Novosti CEO Institute “Signal” Vladimir Shashok. combat vehicle modernization project involves the creation of a version with remote control, and fully robotized complex

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– In this case, we do not create a robot from scratch with the chassis, and develop a unified management system and install it for established patterns of armored vehicles that are already in the army. BMP-3 is equipped with a control system with all the necessary nodes and blocks, resulting in a multi-robotic system. Its target load may be both military and intelligence. The system can be controlled remotely, we are also working on the possibility of the autonomy movement – said Shashok

The benefits of development, he said, are the stealth automatic BMP for the enemy -. An armored robot can move in complete radio silence. Besides achieved automation of routine movements: the first time the robot remembers the route, and then runs through it yourself

– This preserves the possibility of the vehicle-driving machine.. There is a need – traveled man, and where dangerous or what specific conditions – working equipment, – said Vladimir Shashok

All-Union Scientific Research Institute “Signal” is included in the holding “Highly complex” and is developing a system of automated control. artillery fire Russian Land forces, as well as guidance systems and weapons stabilization for CB, videoconferencing and Navy


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Photo: Alexander Wilf / RIA Novosti

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