according to the Director of Communications “Roscosmos” Igor Bourenkov, online video will be used as a tool for promoting space activities . “We have appealed to the manufacturers with this idea, a preliminary assessment of the possibility of the installation of systems of video cameras on launch vehicles was carried out by specialists of JSC” Rocket and Space Center “Progress” – quoted Igor Burenkova newspaper “Izvestia”
“. We consider a number of Russian and foreign systems , as a ready-made and require revision or decision on carrying out development work each system has its advantages and disadvantages. different shooting quality, a different type of a transmitted signal, the presence of or the absence of stations receiving the desired type of signal, the number of cameras and, of course, the price “, – said Bourenkov
at the same time.” Roskosmos “can not yet be called the first rocket launch date with the camera. According to experts, set the camera on a rocket and stream video on the Web – is a simple and relatively cheap way to make missile launches show and popularize space subjects.
So, hit the Internet began to footage from a camera mounted on the US shuttle Space Shuttle. Note that at the request of the European Space Agency’s cameras were manned “Soyuz”, established for the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.
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