Representatives of copyright on the Internet (AZAPO) Protection Association require the administration of a known messenger Telegram remove bot illegally distribute books. This “News” said the head of Maxim AZAPO Ryabyko.
Ryabyko told that Telegram is a pseudo-user, which is, in fact, the program (bot). This bot named Flibustamirrorbot provides open access three books, which protects the rights AZAPO.
According Ryabyko, at the moment, representatives of rights holders attempt to resolve the dispute within the framework of the pre-trial regulation. On behalf AZAPO to site hoster and Administration “Telegram” sent a written claim. In the claims contained the requirement to remove the tops within 48 hours.
If the claim is no response will not be, AZAPO turn to Google and Apple to stop the service customer support “Telegram”.
If no answer, and from them, right holders filed a complaint with the Moscow City Court.
Perhaps the robot is “representative” blocked in Russia Flibusta site, which has become known as an open library, distributing a wide variety of books.
Boat operates in the following way: to get some particular book, the user dials a special command and writes the name of the book. Boat looking for this book in the site database. If a book is – bot sends it to the user
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