Sunday, March 27, 2016

Japanese companion, who studied the structure of the universe, was mysterious injuries – Rosbalt.RU

March 27, 2016, 23:53 | satellite | space | accident | JAXA | Hitomi

 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has lost communication with the satellite, “Hitomi”, which is on the low-Earth orbit.


 The satellite is equipped with facilities for the study of black holes svermassivnyh had to begin collecting data this summer, and at full capacity out in November. Thus, the space mission was in jeopardy.


 Now the unit, launched in February, revolves around a height of about 580 km. However, JAXA admit that he could deviate from the desired path. The cause communication failure, as experts believe, is that due to weak batteries are not opened solar panel.


 “We are very serious about this issue”, – quotes TASS words of the head of one division of JAXA Saku Tsuneta


 It is believed that the satellite could be damaged. JAXA is not able to determine the status of the satellite “, – said the Agency received a short signal from the satellite and.” Is working on his recovery “


 “Interfax” a source in the space industry speculated that the satellite has suffered as a result of collision with space debris or emergency situation on board.


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