According to the Minor Planet Center of the International Astronomical Union, asteroid 2013 TX68 approach with the Earth in the International Women’s Day , on March 8, and fly at a distance or at 23 thousand kilometers or five million kilometers from the surface of our planet. Despite the fact that the trajectory of a celestial body flight has not yet been calculated, it is recognized as potentially dangerous.
“In the past months and weeks, we knew that this asteroid will fly without danger to Earth in early March. Now we for more details on its trajectory, which helped us to better calculate its future path These data indicated that the this small asteroid will fly significantly farther from the Earth than we previously thought “, -. says the head of the Center for near-Earth asteroids in the Laboratory of NASA’s jet Propulsion in Pasadena Paul Chodas.
according to the NASA representative, the new data path 2013 TX68 helped astronomers to clarify that it comes closer to the Earth not March 6, as previously expected, and on 8 March , and reveal two possible scenarios of how to pass this rendezvous between our planet and the small celestial body.
on the first, a safer scenario, the object will pass by Earth at a sufficiently safe distance , about five million kilometers from its surface that 12.6 times greater than the distance between the Moon and our planet. In the second scenario, the chances of which execution is vanishingly small asteroid can fly at a distance of 24 thousand kilometers above the Earth’s surface – that is, within the orbit of geostationary satellites.
As the heavenly visitor moves to the Earth from the Sun, astronomers will not be able to pinpoint its trajectory, size and composition until the convergence period. According to preliminary estimates, the diameter asteroid – about 30 meters. This celestial body larger than what was included in the dense layers of the atmosphere over Chelyabinsk February 15, 2013. Next convergence 2013 TX68 is expected September 28, 2017, then the chances of it falling on the Earth would be approximately one in 250 million.
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